The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. In the world of wrestling, tag-team moves involve two people performing high impact maneuvers on a single opponent.

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Tag-team moves are a grand symbol of teamwork and communication, not to mention amplified damage and agony for the opponent they're performed on. With two people, the complexity and creativity for moves are unparalleled, allowing for countless maneuvers. With well over 200 tag-team moves in WWE 2K20, here are 10 of the most impactful ones.

10 Assisted Powerbomb


The often-performed powerbomb is a highly impactful move as it is. However, a double-team powerbomb has twice the performers, and thus, twice the force. The assisted powerbomb is like a regular powerbomb but the tag-team partner adds more impact to the drop by assisting in the downward fall.

This doesn't just add to the damage, but it exponentially amplifies it considering the move targets crucial areas of the opponent like the neck and the back of the head. Former WWE faction The Shield used to do triple powerbombs to end matches and send impactful messages.

9 Atomic Drop/Big Boot Combo


A rather dirty move, this basically consists of a low blow immediately followed by a brutal shove kick to the face. This combo consists of two attacks. The first is an atomic drop where the attacker hoists the opponent up, then drops him on his knee with the recipient's groin taking all the impact.

As this happens, the attacker's partner gains momentum by running to the ropes, ricocheting to gain even more run space. After the atomic drop happens, the partner gives the recipient, who has just taken some damage down low, a running boot to the face.

8 Headbutt to the Groin


Another dirty move. This starts with a scoop slam to set the opponent up for the move. Once the opponent is down supine, one partner takes hold of both the opponent's feet on either hand, spreading his legs. This opens his groin up, exposing it.

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The other tag partner climbs the top turnbuckle, acquires his "target," then performs a diving headbutt to the opponent's precious jewels. This leaves a lasting impact on the opponent even as he walks out of the arena.

7 Assisted Burning Hammer


The burning hammer is already a dangerous move. It takes the opponent in a torture rack position bridged on the attacker's shoulders, then slams the opponent headfirst down to the mat. The assisted burning hammer adds on to that.

As the opponent crashes down to the floor, the tag partner of the attacker performs a diving knee drop to the opponent's head, adding much more impact to an already deadly move. This tag effort is focused on crushing the opponent's skull.

6 Stereo People's Elbows


The most electrifying move in sports' entertainment just got doubled! The Rock's elbow, the People's Elbow, is a thunderous elbow drop spiked down to the opponent's chest.

The Rock removes his elbow pad and throws it to the crowd, signaling the end is coming, then runs to opposite ends of the ring before performing the dreaded blow with his sharp exposed elbow. With two performing the move, the move is twice as electrifying, with twice the impact on the chest.

5 Tequila Sunrise/Uso Splash


This move requires one partner placing the opponent in a submission move wherein the opponent's arm is hammerlocked by the attacker's leg, and a half Boston crab is applied. By hooking just one leg, this places all the submission pressure on one side of the back.

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The other partner then performs a diving splash on the hamstring of the unhooked leg, flattening an opponent forced to curve. This move has the potential to tear muscles and disfigure the lower backs of opponents.

4 Brainbuster/Frog Splash Combo


The brainbuster is a spiking move that slams the opponent's head down on to the mat. It takes him in a suplex position, then snaps downwards so the head takes the whole impact of the drop. Each time this is performed, commentators go nuts.

The frog splash is the grand cherry on top that finishes off the concussed opponent. From the top rope, the partner dives onto the head-struck opponent for a devastating follow-up. Both these impactful moves happen in rapid succession that it gets the crowd up on their feet.

3 Backbreaker & Elbow


While there are many variations to this move, the ultimate goal is to snap the opponent's back like chopsticks. One tag partner props the opponent up with his knees against the back of the recipient, acting as a fulcrum. The other tag partner climbs an elevated platform, usually the top turnbuckle, and performs a diving attack on the upper body part of the opponent (chest or head).

Two opposite impactful forces act on the opponent's critical area, breaking him like a bundle of pasta. This makes this move very dangerous to perform, risking paralysis for the recipient.

2 Muscle Buster/Coup De Grace


Samoa Joe's Muscle Buster and Finn Balor's Coup De Grace are two highly dangerous moves in sports entertainment. Alone, they can end an opponent's career. Put them together, it spells the end days for the opponent.

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Joe's muscle buster tucks the opponent before dropping him, giving the opponent a painful snapped neck impact to the ground. Balor's dive crushes the opponent's lungs as he caves his boots down into the opponent's sternum. After Joe performs his move, Balor does his on an already motionless recipient.

1 Spike Piledriver


The spike piledriver is one of the most dangerous tag-team moves out there. It takes a banned move, the piledriver, and amplifies its crushing force by having one tag-partner assist in the downward slam.

As one tag-partner places the recipient in a piledriver position, another tag partner climbs the turnbuckle or does a springboard move. The downward force of the diving opponent assists in the force of the piledriver move, making an already dangerous move, exponentially more destructive. This move zeroes in on the head, and could possibly snap the neck of an untrained recipient.

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