Action-adventure fighting game Mortal Kombat is known just as much for its gruesome violence as it is for its soap opera-esque narrative and easy-to-understand controls. The recent expansion to Mortal Kombat 11, Aftermath, continues this trend by adding a slew of new Fatalities for the three new characters and a couple of new Stage Fatalities.

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Nine new Fatalities join in the carnage. To get an even ten, this list will also be including a particularly special RoboCop Brutality. While none of the following are for the faint of heart, at least they are all highly unrealistic.

10 RoboCop - Thank You For Your Cooperation

netherrealm studios aftermath dlc teaser

Most of the fictional cop's finishers and special moves deal with specific scenes from the first RoboCop film. This particular Fatality hearkens back to the moment where the hero shoots a thug in the groin while they are assaulting a woman. This time, however, he tosses an explosive in the air and the bullet goes through the loser and hits the explosive, causing the poor soul to explode.

9 Fujin - Twisted Twister

Fujin in fighting stance

The Fatalities involving intestines are the most stomach-churning of the bunch. Fujin cuts a small hole where the internal organs fall out, and then uses his wind power to wrap them around the opponent. Then, he slams the opponent's body down, making it explode. Really, it would be a better Fatality if the body didn't explode. Sometimes less is more.

8 Sheeva - Stomp The Yard

Given Sheeva's impressive strength and four arms, one can expect some serious Fatalities from the classic character. In Stomp the Yard, the Shokan rips the skin off her opponent's arms, throws their body to the ground, and then proceeds to stomp on the body until it comes completely apart. The most gruesome detail is seeing the arms' muscles exposed without the skin.

7 RoboCop - Dead Or Alive

netherrealm studios meet robocop trailer

This one starts off simple enough but quickly escalates. First, RoboCop shoots the opponent's hand off. Then, ED-209 barges in and the two finish the enemy off together as the hero takes out a massive sniper rifle.

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It brings to mind the grizzly boardroom scene from the first RoboCop film when ED-209 malfunctions and kills an innocent employee. Fortunately, most of the characters on the Mortal Kombat are somewhat deserving of a punishment.

6 Deadpool Stage Fatality

Mortal kombat 11 deadpool Sheeva baraka

One of the new stages is Deadpool, which is an old favorite from Mortal Kombat II. The Stage Fatality makes a return as well, only with a small twist. Instead of being knocked directly into the corrosive soup, the player's uppercut first hits them into a hook hanging from a chain. While caught on it like a fish, the chain is slowly lowered down into the deadly liquid. When it raises again, there is nothing but bone where the body once was.

5 Fujin - Wind Blade

mortal kombat 11 fujin intro

When viewing this one for the first time, it is difficult to see where Fujin is going with all the little cuts he is inflicting on the loser. Then, he uses his ability to slam a sword down through the enemy's mouth and into the ground, turning them into a human kebab. It should really bother some humans that gods entrusted with protecting Earthrealm can come up with such sadistic finishers.

4 Retro Arcade Stage Fatality

Retro Arcade Stage

Unlike most other Stage Fatalities, this one does not start by hitting the opponent. Instead, the winner walks into the background, picks up a Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance arcade machine, and uses it to crush their dazed opponent. A detail fans will appreciate is the Fatality sign showing up on-screen in the font from the 2002 game. However, these same fans will note Deadly Alliance's absence from arcades in real life.

3 RoboCop Brutality

RoboCop Brutality MK11

Alex Murphy suffered his own small Fatality in RoboCop's first act. Fortunately, he was revived and made into the hero fans know and love.

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One of his Brutalities reenacts his death, only this time he is the one inflicting the pain. After shooting the loser until they fall to the ground, he shoots off their arm and then delivers a finishing shot to the head.

2 Shaolin Trap Dungeon Fatality

MK11 Shaolin Trap Dungeon Stage Fatality

This stage was in the original Mortal Kombat 11 release, but Aftermath adds this creative Stage Fatality. Its genius lies in the unexpected second part. The winner uppercuts the loser into a swinging cylindrical spiked trap which pins them to the ceiling. When it leaves, the poor soul falls into a set of spikes as the player hears their death gurgles. It almost makes one feel bad for the opponent, but they knew what they signed up for.

1 Sheeva - Spinal Tap

mk11 sheeva

This one is the nastiest of them all because it does not involve anything fancy — just a creative beatdown by Sheeva. She lifts the combatant upside down and smashes their head into the ground several times. After the unfortunately loser's jaw is completely eviscerated, she keeps the head in place with her foot and pulls the body away, separating the two. Few Fatalities actually make one wince, but this one comes close.

Next: 10 DLC Characters Mortal Kombat Should Add In Its Sequels