
  • To succeed in Valorant, attackers must adapt to defenders' playstyle and counter their strategies effectively by gathering intelligence and exploiting mistakes.
  • Attackers should strive to be unpredictable to retain a competitive advantage, switching between different tactics on a round-to-round basis and occasionally assigning a lurker.
  • Communication, coordination, and proper economy management are essential for victory in Valorant, as it allows the team to adapt, plan post-plant strategies, and track the enemy's economy for better decision-making.

In Riot Games's high-stakes tactical FPS, Valorant, a team's ability to execute a well-coordinated attack can be the difference between victory and defeat. To do so, players must rely on more than just the fundamentals, such as sharp aiming skills and crosshair placement, but also master specific offensive tactics and strategies.

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Those who can't get enough of the competitive FPS goodness in Valorant, then they will love these similar games.

From teamwork and map awareness to economy management, there are countless ways to refine one's playstyle and outsmart opponents on the battlefield. Taking advantage of these methods, novice players and seasoned agents alike can significantly elevate their gameplay and become formidable attackers in Valorant.

8 Adapt To The Defenders' Playstyle

Avoiding Raze nade Valorant

Gathering intelligence about the defenders' positioning, level of aggression, rotation patterns, and utility deployment is an invaluable asset that attackers can use to adapt to and counter their opponents' playstyle effectively.

​​For example, if the enemy team over-rotates, the attackers can exploit this mistake by faking one site while hitting another. Likewise, if the defenders use their abilities to delay plants, such as Sova's Shock Darts, players should bait out the utility by tapping the bomb and then retreating to safety.

7 Be Unpredictable

Lurking Killjoy Valorant

Teams tend to repeat whatever attack strategy they are first successful with; however, to retain a competitive advantage, players should strive to diversify their offensive approaches to avoid becoming easily countered. This involves switching between different tactics, such as five-player rushes, defaults, and splits, on a round-to-round basis.

Valorant: The 15 Best Crosshairs For Competitive Play

When playing Valorant competitively, it can be helpful to reference the specific crosshair settings that the pros are using.

If attackers consistently alter their execution, pacing, and overall play style, it will create uncertainty for the defending team and make it challenging for them to adapt. For added unpredictability, the team can occasionally assign one player to lurk to induce paranoia among the enemy and identify gaps in their defensive setup.

6 Have A Post-Plant Plan

Viper line ups Breeze

Getting the spike down is not the end of the attacker's mission each round. To guarantee victory, they must always have a post-plant strategy.

Where the spike is planted is hugely influential on the round's outcome. Players should opt for a position that gives their team the advantage to defend the spike, providing them with cover, angles, and a sight line on the bomb. Players should also be cautious not to overextend or over-aggress, as unnecessary fights can jeopardize an easily winnable round. Instead, attackers should operate as a team using crossfires, playing off each other's contact, and using their utility wisely.

5 Keep Track Of Ultimate Abilities

Valorant Hunter's Fury Sova Ultimate Revealed Status Effect

Players should get into the habit of monitoring enemy and ally Ultimates, especially those that can turn the tide of a round. Expecting enemy Ultimates is particularly important post-plant, where the defenders may utilize a game-changing Ultimate, such as Killjoy's Lockdown, to retake the bomb site. In that case, the attackers must adjust their approach to counter it.

The Unwritten Rules of Valorant Explained

Valorant's precise, cooperative gameplay breeds high-level competition, and with it comes a series of unwritten rules that guide each match.

Similarly, attackers can use their Ultimates, such as Sova's Hunter's Fury, to deny spike-defusing attempts and, as such, must prioritize staying alive and playing from an advantageous position to do so.

4 Enter The Site According To Agent Roles

Jett entry Valorant

Valorant's notoriously difficult ranked mode rewards players who approach executing a site entry strategically rather than simply rushing in. Attackers are far more likely to successfully take a site if all players understand their respective roles and responsibilities.

Initiators should employ their utility to clear angles, disrupt enemy positions, and gather information that attackers can capitalize on. Controllers are responsible for deploying smokes to establish secure pathways for the team's advance. Duelists must swiftly engage with defenders, creating space for the team to push forward. Lastly, Sentinels should safeguard flanks and lock down the captured site.

3 Communication And Coordination Is Key

Valorant Shock Bolt (Sova) and Snake Bite (Viper) Abilities

Victory in Valorant isn't solely determined by individual skills but by how effectively the team can coordinate and communicate. Voice chat is essential for sharing real-time information and discussing tactics before and during the round.

Clear communication allows attackers to adapt to each round effectively. Whether it's countering an enemy's strategy, rotating to another site, or calling out defenders' positions, good communication can be game-changing. Team synergy also allows players to coordinate devastating utility combos, which can catch opponents off guard and help secure victory.

2 Manage And Track The Economy

Sheriff Valorant eco rounds

Valorant's in-game economy means players must track and manage their credits to afford weapons, shields, and utility. To increase the chance of success, the entire team must be on the same page regarding full-buying, half-buying, and saving.

Attackers should also track the enemy team's economy and adapt based on this information. For example, if defenders are low on credits, attackers should expect them to hold tight angles with shotguns and, therefore, utilize an Initiator's utility to flush them out.

The key to winning an eco round can often be the trusty Sheriff sidearm, which, when wielded skillfully, can be game-changing. Players should practice their aim with the Sheriff in the Practice Range or a Deathmatch to hone their accuracy with this low-cost but deadly weapon.

1 Map Awareness

Fade Eye Valorant

Developing map awareness is critical to attackers' success in Valorant. Players should always listen for audio cues such as abilities and footsteps and consistently check the mini-map to gain invaluable information on enemy locations and their remaining utility.

Good map awareness will allow players to be vigilant of potential flanks and punish any attempts using Sentinel abilities such as Cypher's Trapwire. Additionally, consistently hard-clearing common angles and hiding spots can be the deciding factor in a round and prevent easy wins for the enemy team.

Valorant is currently available on PC.

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