One Piece is one of many anime that depicts the theme of friendship in the most soothing way possible. It's not just among the Straw Hats, but also among their allies and other misfits on their adventure. Fans of One Piece are well acquainted with Luffy and Usopp's foolish and playful personalities. However, one relationship may be overlooked in the anime.

Zoro isn't the friendliest of the Straw Hats; he is the most hardheaded and hard-hearted in the crew. Perhaps the mental strain of the rigorous training and the loss of Kuina, his East Blue competitor as a boy, shaped him into the stoic man he is now. And the interpersonal relationship between Chopper and Zoro almost immediately started in Alabasta. Chopper has faced discrimination throughout his life on Drum Island, even among his own kind, because of his altered physical appearance (blue nose). After eating the Human-human fruit, he eventually became the black sheep in his reindeer group. Dr. Hiriluk and Kureha were the only people who accepted him and molded him to forge his own path. Chopper eventually joined the Straw Hat on a new adventure and formed a strong bond with them.

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Zoro & Chopper's Strong Bond

zoro and chop.

In One Piece, the Straw Hats have always been in one problem or the other, and most times, Chopper, Usopp and Nami are usually the scaredy cats among the crew. In this sense, a swordsman who takes on loads of enemies at once is a safe haven for any friend he has. Usually, Chopper hops on Zoro's shoulder to feel safe and secure. Their intricate relationship is more akin to blood brothers. In this type of relationship, the elder brother usually looks out for the younger brother, while the younger uses him as a role model. In other words, Zoro looks out for Chopper, and Chopper looks up to him.

During the crew's visit to Zou, Chopper, Sanji, Nami and Brooks encountered some problems before the rest of the crew met up with them. When Luffy and others joined, Chopper ran up to Zoro for comfort. Zoro isn't just Chopper's comfort blanket but a source of inspiration. In one of the filler episodes where Chopper is recruited as part of the Foxy pirates, all Tony Tony chopper can do is cry. Zoro had to tell him to toughen up and believe in his Nakama. At this moment, Chopper wipes off his tears and believes In Zoro's words. Zoro's indifference and sometimes harsh words knock the right words into Chopper. Most likely, Usopp would have freaked out, and Luffy would have been his playful self, but Zoro's words cut deeper than a knife most of the time, and that was all Chopper needed to feel at ease.

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When Chopper newly joined the Straw Hats, he was obliged to learn more from Zoro regarding the reason he ever joined Luffy on his adventure and what he feels about the crew. Among the Straw Hats, Chopper's small-like physique and cuteness make him seem like someone to protect. As for Chopper, even though he relies on and believes in his crew members, Zoro seems like his go-to man when everything goes awry or he senses danger. Perhaps, being the first crew member makes him more dependable. Looking at it, why would someone as strong as Zoro decide to be a subordinate of a 'foolish' Luffy? It was one of the many cozy moments between Chopper and Zoro, and he reiterated how they weren't the perfect people, but they always relied on each other to get things done.

Zoro and Chopper's personalities are polar opposites, and their friendly and pleasant moments show fans another layer of the swordsman with topographical disorientation. And Chopper, a doctor, will always be kind to people, especially his crew members. As the story progresses, more of the duo's brotherhood moments will undoubtedly be seen on screen as the story progresses.

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