Alexandrina Sebastiane, usually referred to as Rina in Zenless Zone Zero, is an Electric-Support character that comes from the Victoria Housekeeping faction, similar to Lycaon in ZZZ.

Rina's gameplay focuses on her commanding her Bangboo to attack. When the Bangboo attacks, Rina gains PEN Ratio for the entire squad, up until her Bangboo returns to hers. This boost scales with Rina's own PEN Ratio, making this stat the most important to build for her. Since Alexandrina buff PEN Ratio, she works with practically any unit in ZZZ. Here are some samples of Rina team comp in Zenless Zone Zero.

Zenless Zone Zero Redeem Codes (July 2024)

Zenless Zone Zero codes can help players amass Polychromes faster to get the Agents they want to get.

2 Rina + Soukaku + Ellen/Lycaon

soukaku-ellen or lycaon-and rina team composition in zenless zone zero

Recommended Bangboo

Why It’s Recommended

Sharkboo, Penguinboo

Increases Ice Anomaly buildup.


Regens Energy for an Agent.


Regens Energy for an Agent. Generates 60% of the Energy for off-field characters.

Rina is a part of the Victoria Housekeeping Faction, so she synergizes with anyone who comes from her group, like Ellen and Lycaon. Both Ellen and Lycaon are excellent at taking field time, making them a great option to pair with her.

Since both Ellen and Lycaon are Ice characters, players can bring Soukaku as their second buffer. It’s important to put Soukaku behind/before the main DPS as her buff is transferred to the next character that comes in after she uses her Fly the Flag Buff.

To play this team, players can start with Rina’s EX Special Attack, which will trigger Quick Assist to Soukaku. Afterward, make Soukaku perform Fly the Flag (hold Special Attack) before bringing Ellen in to enjoy all the buffs. If necessary, players can also swap to Rina once more to refresh her PEN buff.

Rina is especially excellent with Ellen as her Sharknami EX Special Attack and Ultimate are both great at dishing out large damage in a short time, so Proxies can ensure Rina’s mere 6s buff is put to good use.

1 Lucy + Rina + Soldier 11

lucy-soldier 11-and rina team composition in zenless zone zero

Recommended Bangboo

Why It’s Recommended

Rocketboo, Cryboo

Increases Fire Anomaly Buildup.


Regens Energy for an Agent. Generates 60% of the Energy for off-field characters.

Rina’s universal PEN boost works for any damage dealer, so she’s viable to pair with Soldier 11. Unlike Soukaku whose buff only applies to the next character that comes in, Lucy’s buff is far easier to apply. Additionally, Lucy activates Soldier 11's Additional Ability, giving her an extra 10% Fire DMG and a boost to her Fire Suppression.

Lucy should start the team’s rotation and use hold EX Special Attack, which will trigger her Cheer On! Attack buff and trigger Quick Assist. Switch to Rina and use her EX Special Attack for another Quick Assist, so Soldier 11 can finally enter.

Use Soldier 11’s EX Special Attack to trigger Fire Suppression, and once the Fire Suppression ends, try your best to maintain the correct rhythm so that Soldier 11 can continue dealing Fire DMG without the assistance of her triggers (EX Special Attack, Chain Attack, and Ultimate).

Redo the rotation whenever the buff ends, which players can see on the top-left side of their screen. Lucy’s buff lasts for 15s, whereas Rina’s stays for 6s.

zenless zone zero
Zenless Zone Zero

PC , PS5 , iOS , Android
July 4, 2024
Action RPG
T (Teen) - Suggestive Themes & Violence