Link and Geralt are respectable and iconic in their own right. Both share similarities, like being loners and also the last of their kind. However, since they fall into the same category these two instigate debate of who is better. Much like the debate of who could win between Goku and Superman, both Link and Geralt can share the same plight. The age-long debate of who is better can never be put to rest.

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As their own series grows, so do they. They become more fleshed out, adding more abilities to make them stronger. So here are a few reasons why they would hold their own against one another if they needed to throw down.

In Breath of the Wild, Link has many tools that can aid him in going up against The Witcher. Like his ranged quality. In Botw, the game has a wide variety of bows that don't just look good but are also quite powerful. At distance Link is more useful. Geralt is limited by his options when it comes to range.

Mixing elemental arrows like fire, bomb, and electric makes Link have the upper hand.  The only thing Geralt can do at a distance is deflect the shots. It can be difficult for him depending on what type of bow Link is working with. The better it is, the harder it is to block.

9 Arsenal (Geralt Wins)

The thing about being a Witcher is that you are good in hand to hand combat and a powerful arsenal that should come to accompany the skill. It's mandatory to have options of weapons that deal damage at close range. Geralt has access to a wide range of swords, both silver for monsters and steel for humans.

The Witcher also uses his bombs to work in tandem with the swords. And they have a wide set of uses like creating fear, poison, and simply creating fire. There's really no excuse for a Witcher to come unprepared, especially when his target is the triforce hero.

Let's face it, Link isn't that tall. Geralt is a full-sized man but being a Witcher allows him to be more than average. Link, on the other hand, is smaller sitting at about 4'10. But with being smaller isn't a bad thing, when thinking about how it factors into a fight with a much bigger person.

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He can be fast, dodge more attacks, and move around a lot more. Geralt's tracking ability would need to work a little harder. Jumping around, under, and over him would make it challenging for Geralt to hit him, he would need to anticipate Links move faster than Link can.

7 Magic (Geralt Wins)

Along with his physical weapons, Geralt uses magic in the shape of signs. He can use Aarnd which is a telekinetic blast. Igni is a fire sign and deals fire damage like stream if the sign is leveled up enough. Yerden, is probably the best one to use against Link being nimble because it slows down time.

Quen which is a shield that could potentially absorb the damage and that translates into health for Geralt. Even the Axii sign can replace the use of a sword entirely. Being able to control Links mind can only make the fight easier. Mixing the signs with swordplay can make the fight more unpredictable.

Because he's smaller and more nimble. Hiding and doing a surprise attack can benefit him. Geralt could sense it with his medallion, but some many argue by the time he notices it, Link may already have done the attack. Being smaller, stealth works best.

Link can hide in tall grass and stalk The Witcher and while he's setting up, Link can come in with strike. Plus Link could be having gear on that conceals him from every sensor, even Geralt's medallion. However, Link would need to figure out how to compensate for Geralt's heightened sense.

5 Prep Time (Geralt Wins)

In some ways, Geralt can be compared to Batman. In the sense that he takes his time looking for the best ways to make his kill. Henry Cavill, who plays the live version of Geralt in Netflix's adaptation makes the same comparison. He works best when there's a plan and his oil, potions, and magic are ready to go allowing him to have the edge and be ready.

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He can set traps for Link and study him enough to use his strength against him. Being ahead of the enemy in terms of attacks can work in Geralts favor. Because if he can anticipate,  slow down Link, or even make him miscalculate a move, then Geralt can have the upper hand.

That iconic shield has been helping Link deal with magic-based attacks over the series. So bringing it into a fight with a character that uses fifty percent--at least, will help out. Making half of Geralt's attacks null and void can push the fight in Links favor.

Granted, Geralt is still an issue with physical attacks, but Link would have much less to worry about. Not only absorbing magic, but the shield is also kind of powerful in a physical way that it can block Geralt's powerful attacks from his sword and his ranged attacks if he uses them.

3 Heightened Senses (Geralt Wins)

He will be quicker than the enemy even without potions, dark areas will light up. If he drinks a potion it amplifies that ability.

He can sense more, smell more, hear better. Basically he's a step above humans. All these things when put together can make the fight easier. Humans generally don't go up against The Witchers that's why most of the things hunt Witchers are either powerful, scary monsters, or other beings.  Even Witchers can take each other out.

In Breath of the Wild, he can get many heart containers that allow him to max it out. Healing becomes less of an issue because of this. But when Link is able to hold on longer, he needs to be careful. Use his height and his advantage at range. Just being one step ahead of the Geralt will make a world of difference.

Even at close range, if Link is patient and can calculate each step it'll work for him in end. Geralt being the best at what he does will have to realize that Link isn't like those big beasts he usually goes up against.

1 Close Combat (Geralt Wins)

While at range, Link has the upper hand. But as space gets closer and closer the fight moves in favor of Geralt. He can use is way above average swordsmanship to make quick work of Link. He won't have any time to react, because of his heightened senses are faster than Links.

As the fight gets closer and closer Geralt can easily deflect and dodge incoming attacks which would make it easier for him in the end.

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