As soon as The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom revealed that it would feature floating islands to revamp its predecessor's world, fans immediately speculated that this could imply possible connections to The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword such as its familiar hub Skyloft. Already several theories exist about Tears of the Kingdom's relationship to Skyward Sword spurred on by details like those found in Breath of the Wild or from Tears of the Kingdom's trailers. But between these details and other possible connections, what fans are hoping for most is Skyloft's return in Tears of the Kingdom.

Given that The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom could be the series' most influential addition to date thanks to its position as Breath of the Wild's direct sequel and Nintendo's framing of the game, expectations are high. Due to the uncanny similarities, multiple references, and even the timing of Skyward Sword HD's release preceding Tears of the Kingdom, fans suspect that whatever has been planned for the sequel will connect the two. But beyond being Skyward Sword's most well-known location, Skyloft's role in Zelda canon could also factor into Tears of the Kingdom's story.

RELATED: Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2's Floating Islands Shouldn't Imitate Skyward Sword

Skyloft: Between Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild

Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Forgotten Temple Entrance

Following the end of Skyward Sword, among the many revelations that serve as a prelude to the Zelda series is the discovery of how Hylians returned to the surface and formed what would become the kingdom of Hyrule seen throughout other games. Brought about by Link wishing for Demise's destruction, part of Skyloft referred to as the Isle of the Goddess descended and landed atop the Sealed Grounds. Neither the floating nor descended portions of Skyloft have been referenced in other games, leaving fans to speculate on their current canonical whereabouts.

In terms of release dates and not in-universe continuity, only A Link Between Worlds and Breath of the Wild came after Skyward Sword, so speculation has been broadly fan-driven. However, Breath of the Wild has possible hints as to the whereabouts of the Isle of the Goddess after its descent. Specifically, theories have centered around the mysterious Forgotten Temple due to various unique details, from it housing the largest and oldest Goddess Hylia statue to the Temple teeming with active Guardians. It's even the location where the player receives the Hero of the Wild set.

The theory argues that The Forgotten Temple is what became of the Sealed Grounds over time, as its Goddess statue is believed to be the same one that descended from Skyloft. As a result, the temple was built around this location in reverence of its history and symbolism within Hyrule canon, but as with everything in Breath of the Wild, it has been abandoned and decayed over time. Though it had no immediate significance in Breath of the Wild's story, if Tears of the Kingdom is diving into Ganondorf's revival with possible Skyward Sword connections, then this location could become far more important.

Skyloft in Tears of the Kindom

Zelda Skyward Sword Mistakes Skyloft

With the additional context that Tears of the Kingdom will see Breath of the Wild's world reshaped by the floating islands lifted from its surface, fans are predicting that the Forgotten Temple will be among these. Not only is this due to its minor role in Breath of the Wild, but it is also reflective of its possible ties to Skyloft. But as the Isle of the Goddess had descended onto the Sealed Grounds to stop Demise, reversing this could be an early indication of Demise's return either as the Imprisoned or Ganondorf, ultimately bringing the Zelda series and its timelines full circle.

Though this is still just speculative and therefore likely not going to happen, there's still the possibility that Tears of the Kingdom might reference Skyward Sword in recognition of the pair's similarity. Just as Breath of the Wild included locations referencing other Zelda games such as Lon Lon Ranch or the Temple of Time, so too could "Skyloft" easily return as a recreated floating island in Tears of the Kingdom. While it likely wouldn't serve any grand narrative purpose, it would at least give players a dose of nostalgia and could prompt a new wave of fan theories to boot.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is set to release on May 12, 2023, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: How Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Could Reuse Fi's Skyward Sword Mechanics