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The Legend of Zelda series is arguably one of the best franchises to ever grace gaming, with some titles so iconic that they're single-handedly capable of selling consoles. There are likely many gamers out there with fond memories of snagging a Nintendo 64 to play Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, and there are surely those that finally caved into buying a Nintendo Gamecube to adventure through The Wind Waker. Even now, The Legend of Zelda is one of Nintendo's most iconic franchises, with Nintendo Switch consoles flying off store shelves thanks to Breath of the Wild.

RELATED: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Sounds Much Darker Than Breath of the Wild

But there's something extra special about the latest addition to the franchise. Breath of the Wild is unlike any other Legend of Zelda experience thanks to its massive open-world, incredible combat, and breathtaking visuals. Breath of the Wild isn't just a great Zelda game, it's one of the best games ever released, and fans have been hungry for a continuation of the series. At E3 2019, fans finally got their wish, with Nintendo announcing not only a new Legend of Zelda title but one that would be a direct sequel to Breath of the Wild. For some time, fans referred to this game as "Breath of the Wild 2," but we now have a name: Tears of the Kingdom.

Here's all we know so far concerning Tears of the Kingdom.

  • Tears of the Kingdom's Release Date & Development

    After an initial planned date of 2022 and some delays, it has been confirmed that Tears of the Kingdom will be released on May 12, 2023.

    For those who are looking for a physical version of Tears of the Kingdom, there is good news. Tears of the Kingdom will release in a standard physical edition, as well as an enhanced collector's edition that comes with an artbook, SteelBook case, steel poster, and four pins.

    Tears of the Kingdom's Development

    Nintendo's Eiji Aonuma has been pretty adamant about the development team wanting to revisit Breath of the Wild's version of Hyrule. In fact, the entire reason a sequel was even considered was because the designer and producer had so many ideas he wanted to explore via DLC for the original release. After sitting down and really looking at the "scale" of what they wanted to offer as additional content, an entirely new adventure was born.

    Here's a rundown of what we currently know about the development of this new adventure:

    > Hidemaro Fujibayashi is returning as director for the upcoming release so players can expect Breath of the Wild 2 to be a true sequel to its predecessors both in design and vision.

    > The original direction for Breath of the Wild took a lot of inspiration from Skyrim but Eiji Aonuma noted that many younger members of his development staff were deeply engrossed by the world of Red Dead Redemption 2.

    > As it currently stands, Tears of the Kingdom appears to draw inspiration from Red Dead Redemption 2 and another "unknown game."

    > Although the reveal trailer showcases a darker tone, Eiji Aonuma confirmed that the upcoming title will not be related to Majora's Mask.


    It's easy to understand why fans may be a bit anxious concerning the game's gameplay and other specifics. Since it's a direct sequel, and developers are planning to revisit the world of Hyrule from the first release, it's easy to assume that there will be many similarities. While it may be true that the game's creators have access to a lot of assets and an already-intact overworld, players don't yet know the scale of how Hyrule will change and what developers will implement to make the title's areas feel new and exciting.

  • Tears of the Kingdom Gameplay Details

    Although Tears of the Kingdom will be a direct sequel, it isn't yet clear how similar the two titles will be. After all, Majora's Mask was a sequel to Ocarina of Time but managed to feature a lot of unique mechanics that helped differentiate it from its predecessor. It is possible that Tears of the Kingdom could be a "completely" different game in that respect. It will be interesting to see what developers bring to the table in order to satisfy players looking for a new and exciting adventure while simultaneously bringing back the gameplay mechanics that made the 2017 release such a success.

    Tears of the Kingdom's Combat


    Breath of the Wild breathed new life into the franchise by giving players a much more fluid combat system that felt incredibly satisfying while also remaining fairly challenging. Dodging enemies, blocking attacks, and making quick use of all of Link's gadgets and gizmos gave players the freedom to choose their own playstyle. Developers also introduced sneak mechanics, as well as slo-mo, and unique abilities through runes for the Shiekah Slate.

    It's going to be very interesting to see what types of mechanics developers decide to keep for the next installment. Although Breath of the Wild is one of Nintendo's most beloved games, there are still aspects of the adventure that some fans weren't particularly happy with. A good example is "weapon durability," which was introduced and affected every possible weapon and shield that Link could equip, even the iconic Master Sword (although the Master Sword could be "repaired and recharged," unlike other weapons). It's unclear if Nintendo plans to keep the durability mechanic for the future release.

    In footage from Tears of the Kingdom, we can see that the Master Sword is damaged and a good half of the blade is gone completely. It's unclear how the Master Sword's role in this story will be told.

    What New Items And Abilities Can We Expect In Breath Of The Wild 2?


    It's unclear exactly how many Runes players will see return in Breath of the Wild 2. However, gamers do know that Stasis is coming back, as seen in the official trailer from E3 2021, and that Magnesis seems to be used in 2023's gameplay video. In the first trailer, Nintendo also gave players a glimpse at a new Rune (or ability) that allows Link to "phase through objects," almost like a portal. It's also been shown that Link has some power to rewind time, in some way.

    A quick-passing moment in the E3 2021 trailer shows the Hylian Hero battling against a boss-like enemy while wielding a gauntlet-style weapon that spits flames. Link's arm seems to have some strange glow that allows him to use new abilities, but it's not yet clear exactly what happened to his arm nor what abilities it allows him to use.

    The same glowing green hand that is seen doing something with the body of Calamity Ganon then grabs link by the arm, so we'll just have to see what it does to him.

  • Tears of the Kingdom Story and Setting

    What We Know About the Setting of Tears of the Kingdom


    Players were very curious how Nintendo was going to handle returning to Breath of the Wild's landscape while still offering up "fresh gameplay and locations." Thanks to the newest trailer from E3 2021 we now know that players will be "taking to the sky" to explore an area high above Hyrule that consists of a series of floating islands.

    Fans have noticed that Hyrule Castle itself seems to be floating above the ground, much like it was in Ocarina of Time.

    What We Know About the Story of Tears of the Kingdom


    Breath of the Wild captured the hearts of gamers thanks to its impressive, beautifully designed world and stellar gameplay. But the over-reaching storylines for The Legend of Zelda franchise as a whole have been a selling point for decades. Although the timeline may be a bit confusing and convoluted at times, it's hard to deny how classic the Zelda formula really is.

    A valiant hero, a resourceful princess, and a power-hungry villain permeate the main story in each Legend of Zelda release, with a centralized theme of "three beings bound by fate." The cycle is destined to repeat in each Legend of Zelda title and it appears as if Tears of the Kingdom will follow the same path from the small teaser that gamers were shown.

    What is the Cave that Zelda and Link are in, Exactly?


    The official E3 2019 trailer starts by showing Link and Zelda, with torch in hand, exploring what appears to be the dark depths of a dungeon (or some other type of ruins). It's safe to assume this area is somewhere buried deep beneath Hyrule but some of the architecture looks far too elaborate to be a run-of-the-mill location. Is this possibly what remains of an ancient city? Is it the aftermath of a once prosperous temple that sunk deep underground? It's unclear where exactly the duo is, in the trailer, but based on the creeping darkness and spreading corruption, it doesn't look like a safe place.

    Who Is The Mysterious Figure In The Trailer?


    Although the initial reveal trailer is only 87 seconds long, it still managed to capture the attention of content-hungry fans and generate massive amounts of hype. One of the most interesting parts of the small teaser is the introduction of what many assume to be the "big bad" of the upcoming release.

    Eagle-eyed Zelda fans have already begun to point fingers feverishly towards Ganondorf, as the King of the Gerudo was known to wear an ornate jewel-encrusted crown atop his head. The Gerudo-like symbols are pushing many to suggest that this figure is Ganondorf himself and that he'll make a return in the upcoming sequel.

    Judging by the dark red color that flashes through his sunken eyes as he is "awakened," it's possible that this version of the iconic villain (if it is, in fact, him) will be even more powerful than in the series' past. At one point in the Nintendo Direct trailer, a voice says "sweep over Hyrule, eliminate this Kingdom and her allies. Leave no survivors." It's anyone's guess who this voice belongs to, but it could be Ganondorf.

    What's Happening To Hyrule Castle?


    Towards the end of the reveal trailer, a wide shot showcases a far-away Hyrule Castle, which is instantly surrounded by a plume of dust. After a few tense moments, it appears as if the castle is lifting itself and the ground around it into the sky. The newest trailer from E3 2021 shows the castle lifting further into the sky, suspended by tendrils of red Calamity. There are a majority of other platforms seen in the trailer that have also risen into the sky.

    Is the area in which Zelda and Link are exploring buried beneath Hyrule Castle's halls? Will the castle itself be an unreachable location for the majority of the newest release?

    Are The Twili Somehow Involved?


    Those who played the darker, grittier Legend of Zelda release, Twilight Princess, know all about the Twili and the mysterious Twilight Realm. Although players become close friends with Link's traveling companion, Midna, there are other Twili that aren't nearly as "nice." One such figure is Zant, a powerful sorcerer who ends up stealing the throne of the Twilight Realm. The dastardly villain isn't just a "randomly sinister" foe either, he's actually a minion of Ganondorf himself.

    There is some speculation that the large blue hand gripping at the mysterious being in the trailer is actually from one of the Twili. It's definitely the same color scheme as the strange beings and the random assortment of shapes adorning the length of the arm do appear very Twili in design.

  • Tears of the Kingdom Rumors


    There are, naturally, a ton of rumors swirling around the Internet concerning the game. With little information from developers themselves, players and theorists alike have taken to the web to start and fuel rumors about the highly-anticipated future release. From those that believe they know where the story is headed, to those that hope players will see a very different style of combat when Tears of the Kingdom finally drops, there are rumors about practically everything involving the game and its direction.

    Here's a look at some interesting rumors about Tears of the Kingdom.

    The Presence Of Miasma And How It Affects Hyrule


    Prominent Youtuber Tyler McVicker (who runs the Valve News Network and the Nintendo News Network) believes players will have to contend with a "miasmic version of Ganon" as he spreads his corruption far and wide across the land of Hyrule. This would lead to some linearity at the start of the game, forcing players to find a way to cleanse the corruption before they could then move into a new area. This means that the entirety of Hyrule would be "cut off" from exploration until near the tail-end of the game, a stark difference from the wide-open experience that the original Breath of the Wild was.

    This swap to linearity certainly makes some sense, considering developers are met with the challenge of creating a new Hyrule experience from an already established area. If Tears of the Kingdom were to open in the same location, with many of the same sights, it may feel too similar to the original.

    Will Dungeons Return in Tears of the Kingdom?


    Players have come to expect certain things with the Legend of Zelda franchise. Each title features the iconic hero Link, reborn and progressing through an adventure to save the world. It just wouldn't feel like a Legend of Zelda epic without an abundance of gadgets to collect, weapons to find, and bosses to eliminate. Each title usually features some type of puzzle element, as well as some form of collectibles. But perhaps the most iconic parts of many Legend of Zelda games are the dungeons that players are forced to explore and conquer.

    Breath of the Wild broke from this tradition by eliminating larger-scale dungeons and replacing them with "shrines," that acted like much smaller puzzles (although there were tons of them scattered across Hyrule). Players would also access "Divine Beasts" which were dungeon-esque in their execution but lacked the same style and scale that Legend of Zelda fanatics have come to know and love. The change was met with mixed reviews, with some enjoying the addition of the shrines and others craving a traditional Zelda dungeon-based experience. Because of this, some fans are speculating that "regular" dungeons will return, possibly even offering up weapons and items that are pivotal to Link's quest, as they have done in the past.

    Will Zelda Be A Playable Character?


    Zelda herself has gone through a unique transformation in Breath of the Wild. Players were already aware that the princess is a capable fighter (thanks to her time as Sheik in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time) but she's been given more range and skills in recent LoZ releases. Her prowess has been shown even further with Hyrule Legends, and she's started to establish herself as her own hero and a major player in the protection of Hyrule.

    This has led some to suggest that Zelda may be a playable character in Tears of the Kingdom. Since we've already seen her potential "movesets" and animations in the recently released Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, it's definitely within the realm of possibilities that players could be gliding through Hyrule as the pivotal princess herself.

    Meanwhile, others have pointed out that many shots in the few videos that have been released seem to point toward the princess potentially dying, such as her falling from a great height. Does Zelda die in Tears of the Kingdom? It's certainly possible, but it would be a massive risk for the developers. The title of the game also indicates that there is something for the kingdom to crying over, and the death of a monarch would certainly point in that direction.