
  • Repairing weapons in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom involves feeding them to an Octorok, but newcomers to the game might find the interaction tricky to trigger safely.
  • One unlucky player's recent attempt at such a weapon repair ended in disaster when another sneaky enemy caused them to panic, resulting in their Link getting hit and killed by the repaired weapon.
  • Instead of waiting for the Octorok to spit out the weapon, killing the creature would have made it drop the repaired weapon before any further complications arose.

One unlucky The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom player saw their weapon repair attempt end in utter disaster after the Octorok that was only meant to restore their worn-out piece of equipment one-shot their Link in the process of doing so. The footage of the incident later made the rounds on social media, expanding the list of Tears of the Kingdom feats with disastrous consequences that surfaced online to date.

While Tears of the Kingdom ups the ante on nearly every franchise feature, it is still largely an iterative sequel that builds on its immediate predecessor. That approach saw it inherit numerous Breath of the Wild mechanics, including the 2017 game's weapon repair system. As a result, repairing armaments in the latest Zelda game is still only possible by dropping them in front of an Octorok. Once the monster starts sucking in air in preparation for its next attack, it will also inhale the deliberately placed item, only to spit it out brand-new.

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And while veteran players have long been using this method to reliably recycle their weaponry, newcomers to the game might find that the interaction itself can still be tricky to safely trigger. Reddit user ContentWinner89 can very much attest to that fact after their first attempt at repairing a weapon in Tears of the Kingdom ended with their Link getting hit in the face with the said item and immediately succumbing to his wounds.

The footage of the incident that ContentWinner89 shared on Reddit reveals that their initial setup was fairly sound: the player approached an Octorok, dropped a Silver Moblin Hammer that was on its last point of durability in front of the creature, and then waited for it to do its thing. However, what complicated the situation was an unexpected Igneo Pebblit that creeped up on them from behind, causing them to panic and run toward the Octorok until they were at a point-blank distance from the creature.

Despite having nearly 12 hearts, the shiny new Silver Moblin Hammer that Link ended up eating as a result of this unfortunate turn of events proved to be too much for him to survive. And while ContentWinner89's first attempt at repairing a weapon in Tears of the Kingdom didn't exactly yield a desirable outcome, the fan can take some solace in the fact that their experience entertained enough other players to end up on the front page of the game's largest subreddit.

Octoroks Can Repair Tears of the Kingdom Weapons Without Spitting Them Out

Reflecting on their experience, several Tears of the Kingdom players pointed out that ContentWinner89 did not actually have to wait for Octorok to spit out their weapon; killing the creature as soon as it sucked up the Silver Moblin Hammer would have also worked by making it drop the repaired weapon as loot before the sneaky Igneo Pebblit got a chance to ruin their plan.