The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom offers players plenty to do and tools to build with, which one player has used to create a functioning piano. Tears of the Kingdom has shrines to complete, Koroks to find, and much more as gamers explore the lands of Hyrule.

Tears of the Kingdom also allows players to construct numerous items, granting them the ability to make a variety of tools and machines to utilize for various means. The game also lets gamers build whatever crazy toys they can think of, pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the RPG.

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A Reddit user known as LordOrgilRoberusIII posted a video of a piano that they were able to craft in Tears of the Kingdom. The giant instrument features 7 keys that are played by having the player stand on them, which leads to lasers making the desired sound. The video shows LordOrgilRoberusIII demonstrating this as they go from key to key, playing every note on the piano. The player's creation is impressive and helps show what can be done in Tears of the Kingdom through the crafting system.

LordOrgilRoberusIII's post is gaining traction, as it has gained over 1,000 upvotes so far. A few have commented that the piano is incredible with one user admitting that they would not have been able to think of building such a machine in Tears of the Kingdom themselves. One Redditor mentioned that in-game creations would be insane if there was a way to get past the title's build limit while another called LordOrgilRoberusIII their hero. The piano shows that there are amazing things possible in Tears of the Kingdom through the building mechanic, which will likely lead to even more crazy machines as time goes on.

The piano is not the only thing that LordOrgilRoberusIII has built in Tears of the Kingdom, as the gamer has constructed a number of other machinations such as plows and working windmills. The player has also made monster traps that blow up enemies when they get close enough to trigger them, as well as a drivable truck with functional headlights. LordOrgilRoberusIII is just one of many to push the limits of what players can build in Tears of the Kingdom by putting together amazing works that show how dense the crafting system in the game truly is. As time goes on, players will surely figure out more ways to push the building mechanic in Nintendo's RPG and keep on impressing others with what they are able to come up with.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available now for the Nintendo Switch.

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