
  • Tears of the Kingdom's crafting mechanics have inspired players to create impressive devices, such as a mechanical version of Hestu.
  • The game introduces the Ultrahand ability, which allows players to lift and attach objects, and Zonai devices that can be combined to build various things.
  • The player, eii-Naisi, used boulders, shields, hover stones, and other items to create a theme park-like animatronic version of Hestu, complete with flailing arms and time bomb maracas.

One The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom player has built a mechanical version of Hestu in the game. Tears of the Kingdom surprised many upon release with how deep its crafting mechanics were. So deep, in fact, that the system has unlocked the creativity of many players, who are now using the game to create some impressive devices.

Tears of the Kingdom makes this possible with the help of a couple of tools that are new to the series. The first is with the Ultrahand ability. Ultrahand is a power Link acquires early in the game and plays a vital role throughout the entire experience. It allows Link to lift nearly any object in the game, but more than that, it lets the player attach that object to another. This comes in handy when paired with any number of the other tools that unlock player creativity: Zonai devices, which are a series of individual parts left behind by an ancient mysterious civilization that can be combined to build things like a car, a mech, or a plane.

RELATED: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Player Builds Impressive Train

Recently, one Zelda fan who goes by the name of eii-Naisi showed Zonai devices can be used to build a mechanical recreation of Hestu, the huge dancing Korok who increases Link’s inventory capacity in exchange for Korok Seeds. The Reddit user posted a video of their robotic Hestu in the Hyrule Engineering subreddit, where fans of the game’s building mechanics show off their latest ingenious creations.

While eii-Naisi’s version of Hestu isn’t the fully mobile mech some Tears of the Kingdom players have built, it’s impressive all the same. They appear to have used a boulder for the body and some Royal Shields for the legs. To create the tree-tops Hestu has atop its head, eii-Naisi stuck a pair of Zonai Hover Stones together and positioned them in the same configuration as Hestu’s “hair.” The face is a Korok Leaf and a Blue Moblin Horn. The flailing arms are probably the best, cleverest part of the Hestu machine. Each arm is made up of a fan at its base, with a Zonai cooking pot on top of that, and a Zonai Construct Head on top of that. To recreate Hestu’s signature maracas, eii-Naisi topped off the arms with Zonai Time Bombs.

The result of all that creative crafting is an accurate theme park-like animatronic version of a beloved Tears of the Kingdom character. Of course, because of the time bombs, this version of Hestu is a bit deadlier than the real one in-game. This Hestu was built to seek revenge for all the Koroks who players have tortured in diabolically elaborate ways.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available now for Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Why A Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Sequel Needs to Respect the Legacy of Zonai Devices