While the three-headed dragon known as a Gleeok may strike fear into most players of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, one player cobbled together a quick method for dealing with the draconic foe. The player then posted their work on social media, and other Tears of the Kingdom praised them for both their bravery and their ingenuity in taking out the monstrous Gleeok.Though it sparsely has appeared in The Legend of Zelda series, Gleeoks first appeared in the original 1987 release for the NES. Before its return in Tears of the Kingdom, a Gleeok last showed up in 2007's The Phantom Hourglass for the Nintendo DS, albeit as a two-headed dragon. Whether it has two or three heads, the Gleeoks of the Zelda series all share common traits, such as elemental breath attacks and the ability for the heads to fight independently of the main body until it is fully defeated. In Tears of the Kingdom, Gleeoks appear throughout Hyrule as fierce foes. But as one player demonstrated, there are ways to dispose of them with ease.RELATED: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Player Builds 'Biblically Accurate' President HudsonOn Twitter, a user named yukino_san_14 posted a 16-second video of their use of Link's Autobuild ability to take down a Flame Gleeok. The battle took place on the Lake Hylia bridge, and to the south of Lookout Landing. While this Flame Gleeok may be among the first that players encounter in Tears of the Kingdom, the draconic foe has a weakness to arrows, which can be further compounded with Keese Eyes and multi-shot bows. Using that weakness, yukino_san_14 was able to stop the Flame Gleeok in its tracks and right onto a Gleeok cage that was made with Autobuild.

Once the Gleeok was in position, yukino_san_14 then activated the Zonai Rockets attached to the cage, which sent the cage and the hapless Flame Gleeok flying over a whirlpool in Lake Hylia. The cage then disappeared and dropped the monster into the vortex. The video from yukino_san_14 was viewed over 6.2 million times on Twitter in a two-day span. Some players chimed in with praise for their efforts and for disposing of one of the most annoying foes in Tears of the Kingdom.

While the Gleeok cage by yukino_san_14 may not be as elaborate as a biblically accurate angel in Zelda, the fact remains that Tears of the Kingdom has given players numerous ways of dealing with any foe, no matter how formidable they are. Only time will tell what players will discover next.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available now for Nintendo Switch.

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