One The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom fan has recently taken online to share a helpful tip that allows players to survive any hit in Nintendo's latest Switch exclusive. Their insight should help fans pull through early encounters with Gloom Hands and other dangerous Tears of the Kingdom enemies.

Tears of the Kingdom is by and large an evolution of Breath of The Wild, as it inherits most of its predecessor's mechanics. And though it feels familiar, many players have so far found it to be even more challenging than the previous game was, reporting that they are frequently low on health. That said, not keeping Link at maximum health is actually one of the most common mistakes to avoid in Tears of the Kingdom.

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As recently pointed out by Reddit user TheBestWorst3, that's because a full-health Link will automatically survive any single hit, no matter how devastating. More specifically, receiving an otherwise lethal amount of damage with topped up health will always leave Link with one-quarter of a heart. This holds true regardless of the number of hearts the players have unlocked, so taking advantage of the game's pity system is actually easier the smaller his overall health pool is.

This exact same mechanic was also present in Breath of the Wild, although it's bound to prove a bit more useful in its sequel. That's largely due to the fact that Tears of the Kingdom's Great Fairies are much more demanding when it comes to armor upgrades. Given that state of affairs, players are likely to spend a greater portion of the game with a squishy Link relative to Breath of the Wild, making it all the more important to remember to keep him at full health in order to prevent getting one-shot by enemies.

Unfortunately, this trick still doesn't allow tanking all attacks with impunity, as some enemies are capable of striking Link multiple times in quick succession. Others have attacks that might leave the protagonist flying far enough to succumb to fall damage. This trick also isn't a reliable method for surviving strong elemental attacks, as those tend to have lingering effects that will almost immediately finish off a weakened Link in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

Still, most of those caveats aren't a major issue in the early game, when players will primarily encounter fairly straightforward enemies that merely hit hard. And if all else fails by mid-game, there's always the option of building a Tears of the Kingdom attack drone that lets Link take a break while it wreaks havoc from the skies.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available now on Switch.

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