Nintendo has ended up making The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom not only a game worth considering as a must-play for 2023, but also a title that may be on its way to being one of the most-talked about games on platforms like Twitter. From the crazy creations fans can make with Link's new abilities to the story that will leave fans guessing until they've collected every Dragon's Tear, there's lots to discuss with other gamers in the latest Zelda title.

Because of everything that TOTK has to offer, Zelda fans have spent quite a lot of time finding, creating, and exploring everything in the game. However, while they're busy discovering what they like best from Breath of the Wild's sequel, many have also realized a few things that are weird about the game, and its predecessor, in hindsight. As BOTW was given a fair bit of DLC, there may be a chance for Tears of the Kingdom's potential DLC packs to fix one oversight: the lack of the Triforce.

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The Legend of Zelda and the Absence of the Triforce


The Triforce is an important symbol to the Legend of Zelda series in that it appears in every game in some way, shape, or form; be it as Ganondorf's main goal, an important piece to the plot, or just a centerpiece of the Kingdom of Hyrule's image. Breath of the Wild, and by extension, Tears of the Kingdom, showcase the Triforce in the same way that Majora's Mask did, which is only through it appearing on iconic Hyrulian items, structures, and tapestries.

Despite the fact that there's been a fair few Zelda games that don't need the Triforce to be a prominent part of its story, there's an argument to be made that the two big mainline Switch games for the series feature it the least compared to the other ones they could be compared to. While it can still be seen in clothing, on tapestries, and even as Zelda uses its power against Calamity Ganon, there's no mention of the Triforce in these games whatsoever. There isn't even a reference to the fact that Zelda is using its power in both games, both to defeat Ganon and restore the Master Sword. As a result, many fans are curious as to why it's been relegated to the background as of these two titles.

Why Tears of the Kingdom Needs to Fix the Triforce Problem

Link looking at Triforce

The Triforce has lost its relevance in the current era of the Zelda franchise outside the recent rereleases of Link's Awakening and Skyward Sword HD. As such, many of the fans that were brought in by how well-received Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom were likely don't understand just how important the Triforce is to the rest of the series. With how it remains a prominent image even in these games despite its absence, it would at least make sense if there was something to explain where it is, or what role it plays in this era of Hyrule. Despite this, there's no explanation to be found even in TOTK. Or, at the very least, not yet.

Searching for the Triforce, be it to harness it or at least explain where it's been the entire time, could be a great way to add to Tears of the Kingdom's story. As it stands, where TOTK ends leaves a bit to be desired as it comes with the caveat that Ganondorf will eventually be back as Demise's vessel in the cycle of regeneration. While it's unlikely that TOTK will break the cycle that was established in Skyward Sword, the idea of trying to break it could serve as a unique storyline that could end up being one post-game story that Zelda fans won't want to miss. However, at the time of writing, DLC for Tears of the Kingdom has yet to be announced, so fans will need to wait for future news from Nintendo.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available on Nintendo Switch.

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