
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom introduces Zonai devices that allow players to create unique vehicles and weapons.
  • A talented player has built an impressive dinosaur mech using Zonai technology, showcasing the game's creative possibilities.
  • The mech is made of various Zonai pieces and can walk on its own, but is purely for fun and not suited for battle or as a vehicle.

A creative The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom player builds an impressive-looking mech that resembles a dinosaur and can also walk on its own. This mech is one of the more inventive things created out of Zonai devices in Tears of the Kingdom so far.

The Zelda series was not traditionally known for building contraptions until The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom changed everything. Thanks to some of Link’s new abilities in the game and the inclusion of Zonai devices, players can create original vehicles to traverse great distances and make powerful weapons to take on mobs of enemies. It’s only been a few months since the game’s release, and the Zelda community has already showcased how far they can push the boundaries of what can be done with Zonai technology. And yet, almost every week, someone manages to push the boundaries even further.

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Reddit user woahniceclouds posted a video of their menacing creation, a walking dinosaur mech. The video starts with Link activating the Zonai-built beast, showing off how it can stomp around on its own. The clip also shows Link using his Autobuild ability to quickly throw it together, which proves how fast this monster can be made. At one point, Link rides on top of the dinosaur’s head, and the last shot in the clip showcases how this dinosaur mech can see through misty environments in the game.

What makes this mech so impressive is how each Zonai piece is used. The dinosaur's head is made out of two Sleds and some lights, and its tail is made out of a Stake. The dinosaur’s tiny arms are actually two Zonai Steering Sticks, and its legs consist of Big Wheels and some upside-down Sleds. The creation stays upright thanks to a series of well-placed Stabilizers fused to it. Some fans in the comments requested woahniceclouds to add lasers to the mech or have it breathe fire so that it could be used in battle. Although Link can technically ride on top of its head, it wouldn’t work well as a vehicle either. As it is now, this dinosaur mech is built just for fun.

Recently, a Reddit user named MobilePlant8269 made a snake mech in Tears of the Kingdom with a few similar qualities. As players get more accustomed to building with Zonai devices, it’s certainly possible that Zelda fans will find more animal-type mech videos in the future.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available on Nintendo Switch.

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