Link is known as a swordsman and his most iconic weapon is, obviously, the Master Sword, but he can pretty much be called a weapon's master as he can wield all the different weapon types with ease. There are 6 different weapon types that players can have Link use in Tears of the Kingdom. And he'll need to use all of them at some point, as different situations will call for a specific weapon.

Related: Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - How To Throw Weapons

Outside those situations, players are free to equip any weapon to Link to clear out a camp of monsters, fight bosses or hunt. Aside from things like arrows, players will want Link to keep a hold of his weapons, even though it is possible to throw them at any point. Though there are some weapons that can and should be thrown to get the greatest use out of them. Here are some of the best weapons players can use to throw at enemies in Tears of the Kingdom.

4 Monster Arms

Stalkoblins fighting each other they can use their own arms as a weapon

Enemies like Bokoblins, Moblins and Lizalfos can be dangerous and annoying. That's even more true for their skeletal versions the Stalkoblins, Stalmoblins and Stalizalfos. What makes these creatures truly pesky is the fact that they will reassemble themselves even after falling to pieces, and they can use their own arms as weapons.

Bokoblin arms can actually do a pretty good amount of damage, but their durability isn't very strong at all, which doesn't make it an ideal long term weapon. But, to get the most out of the arm, players can throw it right back at the Stalkoblins and give them a taste of their own medicine. It will also work with Moblin arms and Lizalfos arms. The only difference is that Moblin arms work like a two-handed weapon and Lizalfos arms work as a boomerang.

3 Almost Broken Weapons

Players can throw weapons at enemies and deal them damage but it will break the weapon

One thing that is more horrible for players than any monster, creature that lurks in The Depths or even Ganon, is when a weapon is flashing red. Other than the Master Sword, all weapons will eventually break and one of the worst positions a player can put themselves in is having an inventory filled with almost broken weapons. It is possible to switch to a different weapon while in the menu though it means the broken one stays taking up space in Link's weapons bag.

Related: Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - How To Increase Weapon Durability

A way to free up space and not just leave nearly broken weapons around is to throw them at enemies. Thrown weapons deal critical strike damage, and will greatly decrease the weapon's durability. With a nearly broken weapon, durability isn't an issue. Weapons that have the passive ability, Breaking Point, will do even more damage since it increases the damage a weapon deals when it is close to breaking.

2 Boomerangs

Ling about to throw Giant Boomerang

Boomerangs have appeared in just about every Legend of Zelda game there is. It is about the only weapon type that is meant to leave Link's hand. In other games, boomerangs could be used in both combat and puzzles, though for Breath of the Wild it was mostly used for combat. In Breath of the Wild there are 4 different Boomerangs that Link can come to have. There's a regular Boomerang that can be gotten from the chests that the Super Smash Bros. Toon Link amiibo and Took Link 30th Anniversary amiibo give when they are used in the game. There is the Sea Breeze Boomerang that can be gotten from the Wind Waker Link Amiibo.

The amiibo will also give players the Wind Armor set. Both the boomerang and the armor are from Wind Waker. One of the weapons that the Lizalfos wield is a boomerang. Link can claim one for his own after defeating one. Called the Lizal Boomerang it is the only one that is made out of metal, so it can be used near fire without the risk of it burning. The last boomerang that players can wield is the Giant Boomerang. It is the strongest one out of all of them with Base Attack of 25. With all the boomerangs, they can be thrown, but the player has to have Link manually catch it when it comes back. Boomerangs have the potential to hit Link and do damage to him, so players should be careful when using one.

1 Bomb Flowers

New item in Tears of the Kingdom, they explode near heat, electricity or when thrown.

It is very easy to see what the purpose of Bomb Flowers is, as it is in the name. While it is not technically classified as a weapon, it is almost always used as a weapon. Players will first encounter Bomb Flowers on the Great Sky Island either in one of the caves or they'll first seem them in one of the shrines on the Great Sky Island. Once players return to Hyrule they will be able to find Bomb Flowers in caves or by braving the Depths.

Using Bomb Flowers is simple. Players can either use them as is and throw them like a projectile, or they can use the new fusion ability and fuse it to something else. Fusing it to a weapon will create an explosive attack, fusing it to a shield adds explosive damage to Link's attack on enemies when he parries them, and fusing one to an arrow creates a Bomb Arrow.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available now on Nintendo Switch.

More: Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom - Weapon Fusions For The Most Damage