The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom is the second iteration of the iconic Legend Of Zelda series to be released on the Switch and carries over many of the mechanics, characters and gameplay that players loved from Breath Of The Wild while also adding enough new stuff to make it feel like its own game. Nintendo's approach to some of the older mechanics and gameplay has slightly shifted in Tears Of The Kingdom, especially evident in how players now interact with the Koroks and their quests.

Related: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – How Many Korok Seeds Are There?

Perhaps partly due to the infuriating nature of their quests in Breath Of The Wild, or because of how invincible these adorable little spirits are, players across the world were inspired to use their new ultrahand abilities to give the Koroks a taste of their own medicine... Torture for torture's sake. These are just a few of the best ways players have tortured the Koroks in Tears of the Kingdom.

1 Crucify The Korok

Perhaps most iconic of the viral Korok torture methods is TikTok user huntevs and their rather ingenious idea to strap a Korok to a crucifix and drag it about Hyrule, perhaps as an example to other Koroks who would dare request Link's help. People in the comments celebrated this act of sadism and even shared stories of how they too had used their ultrahand abilities to get their revenge on various Koroks around the world.

Despite Nintendo actively encouraging their players to throw the Koroks around some, this probably isn't what they had in mind when giving players the ability to build and travel with Koroks, though they probably aren't surprised!

2 Korok Kebab

Cooking is a very popular mechanic that was carried over from Breath Of The Wild to Tears Of The Kingdom and with how much player's imaginations were being sparked by the new ultrahand ability, it's no surprise that Korok torture techniques quickly turned to roasting them over open flame.

Related: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Player Builds Morbid 'Korok Kebab'

Reddit user wanderXV put together this creative contraption and uploaded the video to the Tears Of The Kingdom subreddit. What makes this video even funnier, perhaps, is the merchant casually passing by this torture as if nothing is going on. The people of Hyrule must be used to Link's unending shenanigans by now.

3 Water Wheel

With all this Korok torture going on, it was only a matter of time before someone figured out how to incorporate water into it. Another creative contraption from Reddit user wanderXV continues to show their sadistic streak as they power the device and watch the Koroks spin, each getting their turn in the water.

The caption suggests that these Koroks have information that this player wants and this is truly a way to get that. This player's dedication to torturing Koroks is quite admirable as most contraptions are focused on making life miserable for one little Korok, while wanderXV goes the extra mile and figures out how players can torture multiple Koroks at once, going out of their way to find more Koroks to add to their list of victims.

With the level of ingenuity and dedication these things take, it's no wonder that people have been questioning the sanity of some of these players, but everyone's got to get triple digit hours in Tears Of The Kingdom somehow.

4 Korocket

In a hilarious video uploaded to TikTok by a user named yautrek, a Korok is strapped to a rocket and sent flying off over the hills of Hyrule. It's little dialogue box even showing it yelling as it zooms away from Link into the distance. While not nearly as sadistic as some other elaborate creations, this contraption does what it's designed to do: mess with Koroks.

The Koroks do need to get to their friends... And quickly! Evidently this player is just delivering on what exactly was asked of them in a less than conventional way.

With Koroks being as malleable as they are, it's truly no surprise that Tears Of The Kingdom players took so quickly to thriving in their distress. But, perhaps, this was the intention all along. Nintendo wanted to make up for the infuriating and annoying Korok seed side quests in Breath Of The Wild, so, in response, they made Koroks in Tears Of The Kingdom actually fun to play with, so it would feel like less of a chore running around and completing all their side quests.

One thing's for certain though, the creative genius and ingenuity of gamers around the world truly knows no bounds. However weird, wacky and sadistic something can get, gamers are going to find ways to make it even worse. But that's all part of the fun! While some players may find the Koroks too adorable to torment and loathe seeing their torture be celebrated, it can't be denied that this is all being done in good fun!

The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom is available to buy and play on Nintendo Switch.

More: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - Wackiest Creations In The Game