One tenacious fan has managed to beat the first four temples in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom without the paraglider. They promptly took online to share their achievement, much to the amazement of the game's fandom and even one popular Tears of the Kingdom character.

While Breath of the Wild was designed so that Link was effectively unable to leave the tutorial area without getting the paraglider, this flying utility is nowhere to be seen in the opening hours of the latest Zelda game. Instead, obtaining the paraglider in Tears of the Kingdom requires finishing its lengthy tutorial sequence and then following its main quest for another half an hour or so. Given that state of affairs, even seasoned Breath of the Wild players who went into the new game blind won't be sure that the paraglider actually makes a return if they wander off the beaten path as soon as they reach the Hyrule surface.

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That is precisely what happened to Chris Brune, who recently took to Reddit to reveal that they have managed to beat the first four temples in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom without the paraglider. Speaking to Polygon, Brune said he only realized that the flying utility was in the game once he ended up in a balloon at the conclusion of one early-game quest, when an NPC informed him that he can apparently get back down by gliding. At that point, he decided he'll only go find the paraglider once he encounters an insurmountable need for it, which didn't happen before he completed the game's first four temples.

That's not to say this achievement came easy, with Brune revealing him and his roommate spent hours testing different flying machines that would allow them to compensate for the lack of a paraglider on their way to beat the Tears of the Kingdom Regional Phenomena quest. Unsurprisingly, the Wind Temple proved to be the biggest hurdle of them all, given how that entire section of the game was designed around predominantly airborne challenges.

Once Brune finally decided to get the paraglider in order to unlock Link's camera, he discovered that there's actually a reward for beating the first four dungeons in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom without this staple utility. Namely, it turns out that Purah has a bit of dialogue that expresses her astonishment at anyone resourceful enough to beat the Regional Phenomena quest before the paraglider one.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available now on Nintendo Switch.

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Source: Polygon