The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is all about exploration and discovery, and that is most apparent during one unique quest chain. While the focus of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's narrative is on saving Hyrule from the Demon King, players will also spend a lot of their time searching for the missing Princess Zelda. This search will bring them across the kingdom as they try to uncover any clues they can, and Link must become Hyrule's newest reporter to accomplish that.

Link is supposed to be an expert swordsman and the savior of Hyrule, but the Lucky Clover Gazette quest chain gives him a very different role. This chain will send players to every corner of Hyrule in a news reporter adventure that players could have never expected. While it may not be the most exciting quest chain in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, it is still a great ride from start to finish, and goes a long way in showing the sheer level of charm in this open-world adventure.

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Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Gazette Quests are a Great Addition

Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - An Uninvited Guest Walkthrough

Most players will encounter the Lucky Clover Gazette when they arrive at Rito Village for the Tulin of Rito Village questline. The newspaper has built their HQ in the former Rito Stables right in front of the village, and they seem to be waiting for their next breaking news story. When players enter the HQ, they will be greeted by two of its employees Penn and Traysi. After talking with them, players will head off on a brand-new exciting journey across Hyrule.

Traysi and Penn will assist Link in tracking down Princess Zelda by digging up stories at every single stable in Hyrule. Traysi will remain at the Gazette HQ while Penn travels to whatever Stable players visit next. At each one, he can be found interviewing a lead or searching for a story. Players will talk with him, talk with a potential lead, and then embark on a fun little side activity in hopes that they can figure out where Zelda is. After the side activity is complete, Penn will pay Link for his troubles before heading off to the next story.

These side activities are all vastly different from each other, and kind of make players feel like they are a reporter of sorts. One activity will see them track down Zelda's horse, another will put them face-to-face with a talking rooster, players may also be tasked with hunting down farm tools, and they may even have to serenade a fairy. While real reporters may not do most of this, a Hylian reporter likely would.

Players do not only get paid for their efforts, but this is also how they can acquire Link's Froggy Armor. After they complete every single side quest, they will be granted this powerful armor which prevents them from slipping during rainy weather. This makes the quest chain a very lucrative one, and Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom players do not want to miss out on it.

This collection of side quests can be a lot of fun, and they help put Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's charm on full display. Players get to interact with a wide variety of characters as they try to get to the bottom of Zelda's disappearance, and each encounter is vastly different from the last. Becoming a Hylian reporter in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom may seem odd, but it feels like this it exactly what this game needed.

There is so much to discover and do in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, and the Gazette quest chain is just the start of the uniqueness of this open-world. Nintendo was able to craft an exciting version of Hyrule that players may never want to leave. While the Lucky Clover Gazette's stories may have an endpoint, there will still be dozens of things for players to accomplish while they don their new magnificent Froggy Armor.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available now on Switch.

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