After what has seemed like a lifetime of development, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has finally released and is nearing its first week in the wild. Nintendo's follow-up to Zelda: Breath of the Wild has been one of the most anticipated games in the company's history, and it's fair to say that the sequel has been a resounding success across the board. Both critics and fans have praised how Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom builds on the revolutionary foundation of its predecessor, introducing new areas to explore, a well of innovative gameplay mechanics, and a story that adds another strong chapter to the Zelda timeline.One of the standout features of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is the Ultrahand ability and the many Zonai Devices littered throughout Hyrule. These tools allow players to create everything from small platforms to functional vehicles, and those with wildly creative sensibilities have used these new gameplay mechanics to create some truly remarkable things. Just a week after release, the Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom community has done everything it can to find a limit to what can be made using Ultrahand, and some of the craziest creations to end up on social media have shown a limit may not exist.RELATED: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's Latest Controversy Misses the Forest for the Trees

Feats of Engineering in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

Tears of The Kingdom Ultrahand puzzle

The Ultrahand ability in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom can help players solve puzzles and traverse Hyrule in countless ways. For one Twitter user, Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has allowed for the practice of real-life engineering techniques. @Liz_Caingcoy used her experience with 3D animation and rigging to create a working engine out of some wheels and a few pieces of wood. Video of this contraption shows how it can be used to attack enemies, or quickly cook fish when paired with a campfire.

As if this wasn't enough, @Liz_Caingcoy also created a unique method of traversal for Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's Link. It's just one of many alternative forms of transportation made by the community, but where this creation shines is in its seeming simplicity.

After a few unsuccessful attempts, @Liz_Caingcoy reveals what can only be described as a big wheel, with wooden spokes and boards connected to a central wheel. Link stands atop a platform on the side of the structure, and the wheel is shown to be highly capable of bringing Link across Hyrule -- so long as it doesn't get too close to any trees, or in water that's particularly deep.

Just So Many Korok Torture Devices in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

zelda tears of the kingdom backpack korok

When Nintendo first revealed what can be done with Ultrahand, many fans were mystified by the possibilities in front of them. Nintendo seemed to have created a playground for anyone to do what they'd like, but as it's turned out, that playground has largely bred a series of elaborate torture devices.

Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's Koroks have lost their friends, and it's Link's job to reunite them through creative means. Koroks can be moved and attached to objects using Ultrahand, and they can't die, so needless to say some players have taken the opportunity to express their more demented sides.

Many of these Korok torture devices involve torching them in one way or another. Whether it's the rotisserie created by @pory_leeks above, or burning them like a witch, the community seems more interested in cooking every Korok like a well-done steak than defeating Ganon.

Some players are even taking inspiration from the world of Hollywood for their Korok crimes. Twitter user @verstimmungen recreated an iconic scene from The Princess Bride at the expense of one poor Korok, sticking them to a log atop a horse-drawn carriage and blasting them with fire. It makes for an entertaining sight, and it's somehow one of the more tame creations made specifically to do unspeakable things to Koroks.

RELATED: Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Player Comes Up With Ridiculous Way to Pet Dogs in the Game

Tanks and Bombers in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom


Many of the Zonai Devices in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom can be used to take down enemies, and some players have taken inspiration from real-world militaries when devising new ways to defend Hyrule. One TikTok from user @superpixel_games shows a progression of vehicles from a simple cart with a spear attached to the front, to a series of advanced tanks, to a functioning bomber plane.

The community has shown a particular interest in pushing the limits of what can be done in the air. Hyrule's many sky islands already encourage unorthodox methods of exploration, and some players have met that design choice with an aerial craft that makes moving through Hyrule a breeze.

For TikTok user @videogametrailers_, the best way to traverse Hyrule has been a makeshift helicopter created using a series of fans and cannons strapped to some wooden boards and tree trunks. While it does quickly drain battery cells, it also gives Link a rather intimidating way to take down those who threaten Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom's Hyrule.

After just a week in the hands of players, it's hard to imagine what else the Zelda community could possibly create using Ultrahand, but if Zelda: Breath of the Wild showed anything, it's that Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom fans will push the limits of creation until they have to resort to glitches and other exploits.

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is available now on the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: How Elden Ring and Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Revolutionize Open-World Game Design