The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is an entry in the iconic series with some unique gameplay elements. Combat in Skyward Sword is based heavily on motion controls, though new control options have been introduced in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD. Another quirk of this game is that shields sustain damage and will eventually require repairs. For players who want an ultimate shield that never breaks, it will be necessary to learn how to get the Hylian Shield in Skyward Sword.

After spending many hours in Skyward Sword, players will be more than ready to stop worrying about equipment repairs. It will take some skill to conquer the challenges standing between Link and his ultimate shield, but it will be well worth the effort. The increased protective qualities of the Hylian Shield are a boon for the last few boss fights. More importantly, there will be no risk of the shield breaking and leaving the hero defenseless during the climactic final sequences of the game.

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How to Get the Hylian Shield in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

The Hylian Shield can be earned as a reward from the Lightning Round boss rush mini-game in Skyward Sword. This is accessed by speaking to the Thunder Dragon at Lanayru Gorge. The Thunder Dragon has multiple trials prepared for Link, but players must indicate that they are here for battle if they want a chance at getting the Hylian Shield.

There are various rewards from the boss rush depending on how far the player can make it before being defeated or giving up. To win a Hylian Shield, the player must win against exactly eight bosses.

skyward sword thunder dragon

The Skyward Sword boss rush can be a brutal challenge. Players can only use tools that were available in the story at the time each Skyward Sword boss was originally fought, and can not use items from the pouch. Furthermore, Link's health and shield damage carry over between fights. Even the most skilled gamers will need strategy and perseverance in order to defeat the eight bosses necessary for the Hylian Shield without failing.

One way that players can get a leg up in the Lightning Round is by carefully thinking about how the Skyward Sword bosses rank in terms of difficulty. The Thunder Dragon will allow the player to begin with a boss from the beginning, middle, or end of their journey. Some players may choose to start the challenge with easier bosses to get some early wins under their belt. Others may choose to get the difficult ones out of the way first and sail smoothly to the finish line afterward.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword certainly presents worthy challenges for players who relish a sense of accomplishment, and satisfying rewards like the Hylian Shield make the effort worthwhile.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is available now on Wii and Nintendo Switch.

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