During a playthrough of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, one player noted the resemblance between one of the Silent Realm's guardians and Rauru from The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. It wouldn't be the first time a fan has drawn parallels between Skyward Sword and one of its open-world successors.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is a somewhat divisive entry in the series, garnering praise for its presentation, characterization, and dungeon design, but heavily criticized for its length, padding, and linearity. Still, it must be credited for its lasting influence on future 3D entries, such as its stamina meter and expanded usage of monster parts and other collectible items. Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom also boast plenty of references to its lore, both said to take place in a future so far removed from the rest of the series that the events of those games have been reduced to myths and legends.

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Reddit user Campachoochoo posted an image from one of Skyward Sword's Silent Realm segments, showcasing one of the multiple sleeping guardians that could take Link out in one hit should he accidentally awaken them by stepping in a glowing puddle. The guardian in question boasts an elongated chin with thin, earring-adorned protrusions where its ears should be, hinting at a more animal-esque facial structure. Below the neck, it also boasts a similar build to Rauru, with the same gangly torso, slightly buff arms, and rather short legs, alongside a similar cloak covering its shoulders.

Many in the comment section also noted the similarities and praised Campachoochoo for making the connection. Several noted the similarities between the other guardians and the Zonai constructs seen in Tears of the Kingdom, which combined with in-game lore suggesting that the Zonai descended from Hyrule's gods, could hint at a connection no one would have predicted. Others took the time to point out similarities to other Zelda entities such as the Master Sword's guardians in Twilight Princess, or simply used the screenshot as an excuse to reminisce on the PTSD that the Silent Realms cursed them with.

It may never be truly known whether or not the visual similarities were truly intentional or purely a coincidence. This new era of Zelda games is not shy about referencing the series' past, and the resemblance between the guardian and Rauru does open up plenty of room for speculation about any other potential parallels, especially with the confusing timelines and lore.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is available on Wii, with a remaster available on Nintendo Switch.

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