Few may have expected a The Legend of Zelda game to be announced during Nintendo's most recent Nindies Showcase livestream, but Nintendo is full of surprises. Introducing Cadence of Hyrule, a crossover of Crypt of the NecroDancer and The Legend of Zelda developed by Brace Yourself Games. Nintendo Switch owners can expect a spring 2019 Cadence of Hyrule release date.

Imagine Crypt of the NecroDancer, only set in Hyrule and starring either Link or Zelda as the protagonists, and that's an accurate summary of Cadence of Hyrule's premise. According to Nintendo, Cadence of Hyrule will offer players a unique randomly generated Hyrule overworld as well as plenty of dungeons to explore. Each one filled with recognizable The Legend of Zelda enemies including Lynels and Hyrulean soldiers.

Perhaps Cadence of Hyrule's most exciting feature, however, will be a promised 25 remixed The Legend of Zelda songs. Each song will be remade in Crypt of the NecroDancer's fast-paced chiptune style. The first remixed song, Koji Kondo's iconic The Legend of Zelda theme can be heard in Cadence of Hyrule's debut trailer.

Crypt of the NecroDancer is a 2D rhythm-based action-adventure game, making it a perfect crossover opportunity for The Legend of Zelda. Players and enemies both move to the beat of the music, making NecroDancer near to a turn-based game. In order to succeed, players must learn the pathing and tactics of their enemies to dance around them, attacking without being attacked. Cadence of Hyrule looks to mirror that gameplay.

With Cadence of Hyrule's announcement, Nintendo reaffirms not just its dedication to the support of indie game development for the Nintendo Switch, but further its willingness to work with partners in surprising new ways. Sharing The Legend of Zelda IP with an indie developer is one thing, but to allow a studio like Brace Yourself Games to create an entirely new The Legend of Zelda game starring Link and Zelda is an incredible commitment. Cadence of Hyrule will hopefully deliver on the expectations this kind of partnership demands.

Cadence of Hyrule releases spring 2019 on Nintendo Switch.