The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is in many ways a celebration and a send-up of many of the series' previous titles, and as such, it's not exactly a surprise to learn that the game is full of references to the series' history. However, one fan recently realized that Breath of the Wild's Korok Balloons bear a striking resemblance to the Sentrobes found in Skyward Sword.

The Korok Balloons are encountered when the player is searching for Korok Seeds and contain hidden Koroks. However, their bright red and blue color schemes and giant target symbols seem like they would make for poor camouflage. One fan puts forward the theory that Koroks deliberately design their balloons to resemble the Sentrobes, ancient robots that can be encountered in Skyward Sword.

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Sentrobes are security drones that take the form of round, flying robots that Link can fight in Skyward Sword. These flying menaces have a very distinctive round shape and an eye that takes most of their body--an eye that appears to be made of red and blue target symbols. Fighting Sentrobes requires Link to think creatively and reflect their missiles. While this is a clever tactic, it appears that some Skyward Sword players either didn't know they could do it or had trouble pulling it off. Either way, Reddit user xXDCTCXx argues that the Koroks could have designed their balloons to look like Sentrobes in order to scare off potential foes.

Just as many real-life animals will disguise themselves as poisonous, venomous, or otherwise more harmful creatures to ward off predators, the user is arguing that Korok Balloons are meant to imitate a more dangerous device. Presumably, this would help Koroks keep safe while floating around waiting for Link to find them. With the possibility of Skyward Sword's companion Fi coming back in Breath of the Wild 2 now on the table, it would make sense for there to be more connections between the two games.

As of this writing, it appears that this connection has been fairly well-received by fans. While some users pointed out that Breath of the Wild is full of references to other games, others agree that the Sentrobe disguise would make people a lot less likely to bother the Korok Balloons. Breath of the Wild changed up Link along with several other characters, so some players appear to enjoy this and similar Easter eggs, especially the nods to previous titles.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is available now on Nintendo Switch.

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