In the three years since its release, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has seen some fairly epic moments thanks to players who have been willing to share them with fellow Breath of the Wild fans. Such moments can be seen in a recent epic combat montage showing a mashup of nearly cinematic combat footage, though one Reddit user was able to time a well-placed arrow to astounding results.

Reddit user Starwho created a video in which they went head-on with a Guardian, one of Breath of the Wild's most dangerous overworld enemies. Using the Cryonis Rune with the Sheikah Slate, Starwho was able to land a lethal arrow thanks to some skillful timing and gameplay ingenuity.

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The video showing Starwho's combat victory can be seen below.

Labeled "Trickshot!" the video takes place in a marsh. With the Cryonis ability in hand, Starwho uses a powerful bow to launch an arrow at the eye of the Guardian, thereby blinding it. While stunned, Starwho takes the opportunity to use the Cryonis ability, which creates an icy pillar just below the Guardian. The pillar then rises just fast enough to launch the Guardian dozens of yards away from the player.

As the Guardian gets launched, the player shoots an arrow into the sky, though below the soaring Guardian. The arrow then strikes the Guardian, which lands and explodes upon impacting the ground.

One can only assume that Starwho is a highly experienced player of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. To make a shot like that and finish off a Guardian would impress any Breath of the Wild player. Further, the Guardian's soaring through the sky is somewhat funny, as the Guardian repeatedly flips over and over when sent into the air.

It can only be hoped that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 provides room for just as many epic moments as Breath of the Wild. The combat system in 2017's Game of the Year implemented a formula that shook up traditional Zelda combat for a more challenging and rewarding experience, which Breath of the Wild 2 hopefully builds upon.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is currently available on Nintendo Switch.

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Source: Reddit