Nintendo has been hushed when it comes to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2. Thankfully, E3 2021 came to pass, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 was there like everyone expected. Strictly speaking, the new trailer doesn't reveal an overwhelming amount of new information. However, it's full of clues about the new threat to Hyrule, and what's to become of Link and Zelda. That's paired with a few very exciting glimpses at the gameplay which suggest new additions that fans should be excited for.

It's only natural that the new Breath of the Wild 2 trailer gets compared to its previous trailer. They're two years apart, and comparing them could give fans a lot of indication on where the game's development is going, and how it's changing. There's already one interesting discrepancy between the two games that raises a lot of questions. The first Breath of the Wild 2 trailer clearly shows Link carrying the Master Sword in the mysterious cavern. However, the new trailer doesn't show the Master Sword at all. Where is the Master Sword in the Breath of the Wild sequel? Will it make any impact on the game's story at all?

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Breath of the Wild's Elusive Master Sword

Powered up Master Sword in Breath of the Wild

The Master Sword's role in Breath of the Wild is famously strange. If they so choose, fans can go through the entire game without ever collecting the Master Sword, even though they know where it is from very early on in the game. Previous games, from Ocarina of Time, to Twilight Princess, to Skyward Sword, give the Master Sword a central role in the game's plot. It's always a momentous occasion when Link obtains it, and usually he seeks it out, not just because he's the hero. The Master Sword has all kinds of important magical properties bestowed on it by the goddess Hylia's blessing. Its importance throughout the franchise can't be understated.

That's why Nintendo landed in an interesting dilemma while trying to incorporate it into the first Breath of the Wild. The Master Sword was always available, but never necessary. Breath of the Wild was designed in large part around Link's ability to collect weapons and use a much more diverse arsenal than any previous game permitted. Granted, the Master Sword had some distinct advantages over them, but it wasn't a requirement for Link. That's only one example of how Breath of the Wild discarded a wealth of Zelda traditions, too.

Lots of Zelda fans have already asked themselves what the Master Sword's fate will be in Breath of the Wild 2. What makes that question so hard to answer is that it could so easily go either way. Nintendo could decide that Ganon's revenge means the Master Sword is mandatory to the plot in some way, meaning Link finds it and has it with him for the majority of the game. On the other hand, Nintendo already proved that the Master Sword isn't necessary to tell a Zelda story. There's no real need for a sudden shift in the sword's importance. What, then, will it contribute to Breath of the Wild 2?

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Where is the Master Sword Now?

The Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild Link Pulls Out Master Sword

The first Breath of the Wild 2 trailer pretty clearly suggests that, canonically, Link is carrying the Master Sword at this point and it's his weapon of choice. However, that might not be the message Nintendo meant to convey. Although Link can wield just about anything he wants in Breath of the Wild, that doesn't mean Nintendo should show Link with a Bokoblin Arm on his back in the middle of a chilling story beat.

It makes sense that, no matter what the Master Sword's actual role is in the game, Nintendo would decide to depict him wielding the Master Sword in that moment. If the Master Sword is just standing in for Link's weapon inventory in the game's trailer, then it might still be waiting for him in the Korok Forest in Breath of the Wild 2.

Alternatively, the Master Sword might disappear at the start of Breath of the Wild 2. It's entirely possible that Link does start out Breath of the Wild 2 carrying the Master Sword. It seems that he and Zelda are still having adventures around Hyrule, and canonically acquiring the Master Sword could've been part of that. Based on the frightening events around Ganondorf's presumed corpse at the implied start of the game, Link might lose the Master Sword as well as Zelda at the start of Breath of the Wild 2. Looking for the Master Sword and looking for Zelda might both be important driving forces for Link's adventure that are closely tied together.

Breath of the Wild's Many Armaments

Master Sword Breath of the Wild

If there's one thing that the new Breath of the Wild 2 trailer clarifies, it's that Link is still encouraged to hoard weapons. Gameplay shots in the trailer focused largely on Sheikah Slate abilities and gliding through the sky, but there's definitely a shot of Link using what looks like a flamethrower to fight an underground monster. It's very exciting to see Nintendo double down on Link's weapon options in the sequel to Breath of the Wild. A lot of the fun of combat in the first game came from collecting a wide range of weapons and choosing which suits each encounter. Now that Nintendo knows that formula works, it can push for bolder, more creative weapon types for Link.

However, since that mechanic is apparently still in place, it also looks like the Master Sword is still not a central part of Breath of the Wild 2. It's hard to say what exactly Nintendo wanted to communicate by showing the Master Sword in the first trailer, but it wouldn't be surprising if it was just the most believable weapon to show him carrying. No matter what role the Master Sword plays in Breath of the Wild 2, there's no doubt that it's out there somewhere, waiting for Link to find it. It wouldn't just disappear after being featured in the first game. There's just no saying for now where it is and how Link will get it this time.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 will release for Nintendo Switch in 2022.

MORE: Breath of the Wild 2 - Release Date, News, Exclusivity, Trailers