Nintendo was one of the last companies that held its showcase presentation at E3 2021. At E3, the company finally showed players an update on the highly-anticipated The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2. While the trailer didn't really show many new story details, it did provide some gameplay footage and a release window slated for 2022. Unfortunately, Nintendo's presentation did not confirm the existence of the long-rumored Switch Pro.

What it did reveal in the event is a special Game & Watch unit loaded with classic Zelda games. Of course, given that it has been over six months since Sony and Microsoft revealed new consoles, it is a mystery why Nintendo is still keeping the Switch Pro or the New Nintendo Switch, whatever it will be called, a secret. One can't help but think if the release window of Breath of the Wild 2 has anything to do with the announcement of a new version of the Nintendo Switch.

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Why the Nintendo Switch Pro Won't Release Until The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2's Launch

While Nintendo did not mention a new Switch console at E3 2021, despite persistent Switch Pro rumors, there is reason to believe that the company is holding off the announcement for a new version of the Switch at a later date so that it can be released alongside The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2. It is worth remembering that the original version of the Nintendo Switch launched with the first Breath of the Wild game. Nintendo even promoted the Switch using Breath of the Wild, and it isn't surprising that the excitement for the game made a significant contribution to the launch sales of Nintendo's hybrid console.

Nintendo is likely taking the same approach this time around, especially since the hype for Breath of the Wild 2 could help drive the rumored Switch Pro sales. Given this, players should reset their expectations for the Switch Pro, especially since it is likely that it won't be released anytime this year. Apart from waiting for the launch of Breath of the Wild 2, Nintendo could also be looking at three factors as to why it decided against releasing the Switch Pro this year.

First, it is likely that the new iteration of the Switch is still not ready for a public announcement. It is worth remembering that if rumors are to be believed, the Switch Pro will be a significant update to the console and will not be limited to a spec refresh. Second, the global component shortage affecting all electronics may make launching a new console this year a bad idea. Finally, the current model of the Switch is still selling incredibly well, and Nintendo wouldn't want to cannibalize its own sales with a new version of the Switch.

When Exactly Next Year Should Players Expect Breath of the Wild 2 and the Switch Pro?

legend of zelda breath of the wild 2 stasis rune

Unfortunately, Nintendo only mentioned 2022 as the release window of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2, indicating that the company itself remains unsure when it can launch the game. While it isn't uncommon for developers to just mention the year it is planning to release a game, those who are more confident about their launch capabilities would give a more specific window, such as Spring of 2022, for example.

Given this, it is difficult to pinpoint when exactly next year Nintendo plans to release Breath of the Wild 2and the rumored Switch Pro console. However, Nintendo may want to release the upcoming game around the same time as the first one, which puts it at March 2022, though this remains unlikely. For now, players should just wait for Nintendo to reveal more details about the upcoming game and console, given Nintendo is likely to hold a Direct presentation sometime this year.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 is slated to release in 2022, exclusively on the Nintendo Switch.

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