
  • Fans were disappointed with Zack Snyder's portrayal of Superman in Man of Steel due to his lack of a moral code and failure to exhibit compassion and warmth.
  • Snyder's version of Superman focused more on physical strength and fighting rather than inspiring hope and demonstrating strength of character.
  • Clark Kent's upbringing in a small town should have instilled in him the values of helping others and being compassionate, but Snyder's portrayal neglected these traits.

A decade later and Zack Snyder's Man of Steel is still a hot topic of discussion. It was clear from its trailers that Snyder went a different direction and even more clear from Batman v Superman that he had specific plans for the character. However, the biggest gripe fans had with Henry Cavill's version of the character was his lack of a moral code.

Fans know Superman as a boy scout with integrity. He does the right thing even in the face of overwhelming opposition. Chris Evans'Captain America is a good representation of what Superman should look like. Even when he's down on his luck or it looks like the odds are against him, he stands up and refuses to let evil triumph. Better yet, he's welcoming even to strangers, the one place Zack Snyder's Superman failed.

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Zack Snyder's Superman was Cold and Distant


Zack Snyder's Man of Steel kicked off the DCEU back in 2013 with Henry Cavill as Clark Kent/Superman. Cavill played the role splendidly. However, Snyder and the writers wrote the role poorly. Granted, they were attempting to go a different route than any live-action iteration of the character, which wasn't a bad idea.

There's no denying that Snyder's version of the Man of Steel is popular with many fans and there's some merit to his decisions. Unlike previous live-action films focusing on the character, he didn't really fight. Christopher Reeves' first Superman film didn't show him throwing a single punch and then Superman Returns with Brandon Routh in the titular role only showed him lifting heavy objects above his head. So, showing a different kind of Superman movie was necessary, but the character needed some humanity.

It's no real surprise that Cavill's Clark lacked compassion and warmth since both of his father figures drilled it into his head that he was god-like and better than everyone on Earth. Clark didn't have any agency. Jor-El told him he was going to "give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards" and "You will help them accomplish wonders," telling him what he will do instead of what he could do. Meanwhile, Jonathan Kent made similar musings, talking about Pete's mom's obvious fearfulness of Clark, essentially distancing Clark from his humanity.

Superman should inspire hope with his strength of character more than his physical strength. Superman killing Zod shows a lack of character and a lack of creativity in Snyder. It also strikes fear into the hearts of humans, hence Lex Luthor. Lex's arguments should be baseless without evidence that Superman would do any of the terrible things he claims Superman could do. Furthermore, Superman hardly interacts with anyone he saves in any of the Snyder movies. When he rescues Lois, they talk and banter, but anyone else, and there's barely a word spoken. That's how Superman should have been the "best of us," as Batman said.

Superman is a Small-Town Farmboy

Man of Steel young Clark Kent

After Krypton's demise, Kal-El's craft catapulted him to a small fictional town in Kansas called Smallville. A fitting name, really. Much of Clark's Boy Scout persona comes from his upbringing in the heartland where hard work and determination thrive. It's a place where many recognize people are wholesome, welcoming, and compassionate. These are traits that Clark should have carried with him into adulthood.

Growing up in a small town is the kind of place a person learns to help their neighbors. It's easier because they know their neighbors, but that principle still stands even in a big place like Metropolis. They're always the first to offer a helping hand when they see somebody struggling. Pa Kent's teachings go against this very nature, which is disappointing. Small towns teach putting others first, a trait that's clearly visible in Superman Returns.

Superman is More Human Than Kryptonian

Batman v Superman Clark Kent

Superman's inception deals with many philosophical perspectives with the most prominent one being nature versus nurture. He's the best character to highlight this theme since he's an alien from a completely different culture than the one that raises him. Kryptonians and Humans might look similar, but they don't have the same perspective. This is especially true of Snyder's Kryptonian culture.

Krypton in Snyder's Man of Steel artificially creates its citizens, foregoing natural birth generations before the start of the film. The planet breeds each of its members for one purpose and one purpose only. They created Zod to be a tactical genius, whereas Jor-El is a scientist and other citizens are political officials. Clark, on the other hand, was naturally birthed and given the ability to choose, further emphasizing the nurture aspect of the theme.

Yes, having powers in a world where nobody else does is going to make a person feel different. However, growing up as a human from a very young age with human traditions is going to help form relationships. Audiences can count on one hand how many times Henry Cavill portrays Clark Kent, revealing that Cavill's Kal-El sees himself more as an alien than a human. Whether this is intentional or simply because the writers wanted to focus more on Superman is unclear, but it's actually fitting.

Superman in the comics is the opposite, though. There's a clear balance between Superman and Clark, and he very much looks forward to his time as Clark Kent because it's more time he gets to spend with his friends and family. He doesn't see himself as separate from the rest of humanity.

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