It won't be long now before Zack Snyder's director's cut of Justice League is finally viewable for the fans who campaigned so hard to make it a reality. While the original Justice League was finished by Joss Whedon and panned by critics upon release (though it does still hold a positive audience score on Rotten Tomatoes), Snyder hopes that returning to the project will create something that satisfies the hardcore fanbase that still believes in the project. But that's not the only project Snyder wants to see a new take on.

Suicide Squad is yet another DC film project that stumbled over the finish line. The movie was considered a fairly weak entry in the DC Cinematic universe by both critics and audiences. It soon became clear that something had gone wrong behind the scenes, with fans once again pointing the finger at studio meddling as the primary culprit. The director, David Ayer, even went so far as to publicly state that his version of the film had been "ripped to pieces" by studio edits.

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So it's no big surprise that Snyder has some sympathy for his fellow director. During an interview with John Doe Movie Reviews, Snyder stated his support for David Ayer, and claimed that he was interested in reaching out to him: "I haven't talked to David about it, but I'm sure I will. I know him quite well." While that's not exactly a promise of anything, Snyder did indicate he hoped to discuss an "Ayer Cut" of Suicide Squad as a possible future project.

Whether or not that's actually possible is another question. Zack Snyder was famously the mind behind the DC Cinematic Universe until Warner Bros. decided to shift directions. He was in charge of setting the tone and helming several projects in the universe, including Man of Steel, Batman V. Superman, and Justice League, until he had to leave the project for personal reasons. For a time, it seemed that Snyder had very little influence left as Warner Bros. moved further and further from his signature style with films like Wonder Woman and Shazam!.

With the upcoming release of the Snyder Cut, however, that may be changing. If Warner Bros. is willing to commit so much to an updated version of Snyder's film, perhaps other films are on the table as well. In fact, with Snyder claiming his version of Justice League takes place in his own personal "Snyder-Verse," perhaps the studio is considering further investment into his vision. Could there be room for an Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad in the Snyder-Verse? Only time will tell.

Zack Snyder's Justice League is coming to HBO Max in 2021.

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Source: GamesRadar