
  • Naruto learns the dangerous reality of being a ninja when he confronts Zabuza and Haku, realizing the true terror of combat.
  • Naruto discovers the importance of teamwork when he witnesses the struggles of Sasuke and Kakashi against Zabuza and Haku.
  • Naruto understands that appearances can be deceiving, as he sees that even ruthless individuals like Zabuza can change and have deeper motives.

During the early stage of the 4th Great Ninja War, Kabuto summons the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist from the underworld, including Zabuza Momochi, the Demon of the Hidden Mist. Alongside this legendary group, Kabuto also summons several other renowned ninjas, including Zabuza’s trusted partner, the Cursed Child Haku.

There are lots of exciting things happening in this part of Naruto. However, the most intriguing part of them all is undoubtedly Kakashi’s final words to Zabuza. “I’m glad you were Naruto’s first adversaries,” says Kakashi with a big smile on his face. The reason why Kakashi uttered those words is because these two formidable foes inadvertently taught some of the most valuable life lessons to Naruto.

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The Dangerous Life of a Ninja

Naruto Zabuza Team 7-1

As newly graduated Genins, Team 7’s first mission was supposed to be a simple D-Level mission where they only needed to guard a client from point A to point B. Unfortunately, the client was lying to the village in order to avoid paying the expensive fee for the true service that he required. What he asked them to do was actually an A-level mission that only Jonin or at least high-level Chuunin are allowed to do.

The client asked Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi to exterminate a group of bad guys who had been terrorizing their village. The bad guys happened to be the infamous Demon of the Hidden Mist, Zabuza Momochi, and his trusted partner, the Cursed Child Haku.

Both of these guys are enemies that even Kakashi couldn’t handle by himself. So it goes without saying that when they fought this pair of highly dangerous individuals, Naruto finally understood how terrifying real combat could be. He used to be a carefree boy who thought being a ninja was cool and easy. This encounter opened his eyes to the reality of how dangerous the life of a ninja actually is.

The Importance of Teamwork

Naruto Sasuke Naruto vs Haku

Despite his many limitations, Naruto has always been an overly confident boy. He tried to be strong and independent and often refused to ask others for help. He always thought that no matter how hard it might be, he’d find a way to do whatever he needed to do. Fighting against Zabuza and Haku completely shattered this naive notion.

Naruto realized for the first time in his life how helpless he actually was in real-life combat. He witnessed with his own eyes how the genius Sasuke was swatted like a fly. He saw firsthand how a powerful ninja like Kakashi struggled against these monsters.

This was the moment when he realized no matter how strong somebody is, they can't do everything by themselves. This was the moment when Naruto realized the importance of teamwork. Because only through working together could they finally defeat Zabuza and Haku.

More Than Meets the Eye

Naruto Zabuza young Haku

At first, Zabuza and Haku seemed like common thugs. A pair of mercenaries who would do anything for money and have no greater goal in life. Villains who spread violence and commit crimes just because they can. At least that was how they appeared to the minds of the young Naruto who had never stepped outside the village before.

A chance encounter with Haku instantly shattered those ridiculous notions. Naruto and Haku only talked for a brief moment, but it was enough to make Naruto realize that these two villains were humans just like him. They had something that they wanted to achieve, they had a deep bond that couldn’t be broken by anybody, and they harbored the feeling of hope and love in their heart. Naruto finally understood that be it heroes or villains, there’s always more than meets the eye.

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Even the Most Ruthless People Can Change

Naruto Haku Cry

As a ruthless ninja who was known as the Demon of the Hidden Mist, Zabuza Momochi always had an air of indifference and hostility around him. This was a fact that even somebody as dense as Naruto could pick up the moment he saw Zabuza. He even repeatedly said he would do anything to kill his target, including sacrificing Haku.

But as the fight went on, it became clear that Zabuza was not that cruel of a person. It’s true that he could be ruthless when it comes to his job as a ninja and as a mercenary, but the times he spent with Haku had clearly melted his cast-iron heart. That was the reason why he was so distraught with Haku’s death. Not only that, before he lost his life, Zabuza even tried to do the right thing by killing the mastermind behind everybody’s misery.

This was the moment when Naruto realized that everybody can change. Doesn’t matter how bad somebody may seem right now, there’s a possibility that they might turn over a new leaf someday. This is why Naruto never gives up on Sasuke and keeps on believing that his best friend will return to the good side someday.

How to Get Stronger

Naruto Haku Kekkai Gankei

At the time, Zabuza and Haku were the strongest people that Naruto had ever seen. He wanted to be strong like them, but he didn't know how to obtain such power. But then he talked and saw Haku in action, and it opened Naruto’s mind to the true secret behind Haku’s strength. Haku said the following gem to Naruto:

“When people are protecting something truly precious to them, they can be truly stronger!”

Naruto realized that Haku could become so strong because he wanted to do everything he could to protect the most important person in his life, Zabuza. From that moment on, those words have become the mantra that Naruto lives by for the rest of his life.

From friends to family to the people of Konoha, Naruto keeps adding more and more people into his life that he genuinely wants to protect. These people are the reason why Naruto is the strongest ninja in Konoha and deserves the title of the 7th Hokage.

Naruto is available to stream on Crunchyroll.

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