The Yu-Gi-Oh! games are fun to play, as they need players to strategize their attacks, and create a chain reaction with their monster, trap, and magic cards. All these can create some exciting moments. Now, not every player has access to the wide selection of Yu-Gi-Oh! cards in real life, but thankfully there are options to make matters better and that comes in the form of Yu-Gi-Oh! video games. They allow players to have the same selection of cards, but without spending the money to do so, which can help them get better at the card-fighting game. The great thing about the Yu-Gi-Oh! games is that they're more than just card-fighting games. They have a story and a bunch of different ways to play.

RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel - Underappreciated Fusion Monster Cards

Of the Yu-Gi-Oh! games Yu-Gi-Oh!: Master Duel is a fantastic game for all players to jump in. Not only does it have great PVP elements, but it takes the best parts of the card-fighting game with simple rules and makes a very accessible game. However, a newer entry has come out called Yu-Gi-Oh!: Cross Duel, and it may topple Master Duels' reign. Both games are great in their own regard, as Cross Duel brings fresh mechanics that make it stand out, and Master Duel keeps the simplicity. This list will highlight the key differences, and hopefully, help players figure out which suits their play style better.

5 Closer To Classic Game-Master Duel

Yu-Gi-Oh-Master-Duel-player selecting their hand Cropped

As mentioned before, Yu-Gi-Oh!: Master Duel plays closer to the real card game, meaning everything is turn-based. It's a one-versus-one play style much like the anime. Plus, it has many of the same rules as the card game. For example, if one player has Exodia, who is a strong monster, they win. This makes Yu-Gi-Oh!: Master Duel pretty accessible to play and if players know how to play the real game, adjusting to Yu-Gi-Oh!: Master Duel is easy. This, in turn, makes the game one of the bestYu-Gi-Oh! video games to date, because it's a game many players wanted, a game identical to its real-life counterpart.

While there are some issues, new players and seasoned players weren't divided as much, making all players go in the same pool. This could make matches harder, but at the same time forced the newer players to adjust to the difficulty. However, if players opted to play the offline section of Yu-Gi-Oh!: Master Duel they'll get the fully fleshed-out story mode, which can help them build decks and also learn more tricks of the game. All these things make Yu-Gi-Oh!: Master Duel a definitive game for both newcomers and fans alike.

4 Equipable Skills-Cross Duel

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Unlike Yu-Gi-Oh!: Master Duel, Yu-Gi-Oh!: Cross Duel has a bit more going, and is a new way of playing the card game. One of the new mechanics is adding skills to the monster cards the players already have, and this element alone makes gameplay dynamic for every match. It also allows players to experiment with different skills, which can make them fight better and able to adapt to any situation thrown at them.

RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Cross Duel: How to Equip Skills

On top of that, the skills enhance the monsters, which can make players fight more aggressively now that they can use the monster in a new way because of a skill that's attached to them. This brings in a new thing for players to manage in Yu-Gi-Oh!: Cross Duel, which makes gameplay more memorable and fun. While the game retains the classic elements of the card game, the skills help separate Cross Duel from the other Yu-Gi-Oh! games.

3 Easier To Play-Master Duel

yugioh player building a deck Cropped (1)

Yu-Gi-Oh!: Master Duel is basically the video game version of the real game, so as mentioned before, players who know the real game will have an easy time adjusting to the play style. However, this is not just for players who understand the meta, but also for newcomers thanks to the easy learning curve and simple strategy. Of course, Yu-Gi-Oh!: Master Duel does get harder but by the time players get there, they will have understood what the game is about.

Players who arm themselves with some important tips will have an easier time getting into Yu-Gi-Oh!: Master Duel. When going online in Yu-Gi-Oh!: Master Duel things get even more immersive but remain simple, so if players go up against a tougher player, the game does balance things out. This is why new players should try Yu-Gi-Oh!: Master Duel before getting a game like Cross Duel.

2 Real-Time-Cross Duels

yu-gi-oh cross duels a match about to start with a player on each side Cropped-2

In Yu-Gi-Oh!: Cross Duels players won't have a turn exclusive to them, which makes this play style faster and can be difficult to adapt to because there are so many things going at once. Although playing in real-time may sound difficult, Yu-Gi-Oh!: Cross Duel borrows many great elements from other games like Master Duel, such as things that are clear for players to read and hear.

RELATED: Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel: Best Dragon Deck

This can help them differentiate what's theirs on the field, and when they need to attack or defend. Thanks to it, players will be able to pick up the gameplay eventually and get used to this way of fighting since they need to manage everything faster. While real-time gameplay can work against the player, at the same time they'll feel more immersed in the match, and that may help them play better.

1 4-Player Battles-Cross Duel

yu gi oh cross duel 4 players mid fight

Along with real-time battles, the 4 player fights make everything even more chaotic, but that's the fun part about Yu-Gi-Oh!: Cross Duel: the unpredictable nature of the game. The tag team mechanic gives a new element to these matches, allowing players to go back and forth easier. Plus, this style makes every player engage and think faster, since they have to outmaneuver each other on the fly.

While doing that can be hard, the matches feel rewarding when players are managing everything in real-time and fighting 3 other players. In such an environment, winning makes players want to fight even harder. To some, the 4 player fights based in real-time may make them not want to play, but when they try out the new mechanics in Yu-Gi-Oh!: Cross Duel on top of that, they can fight better and more fluidly. In turn, the other Yu-Gi-Oh! games become easier to play.

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