When getting into Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel it can feel a bit intimidating if you aren't a seasoned veteran of the game. While there is a competent tutorial found in the solo mode, it can still feel a bit overwhelming for newer players to figure out where to start and really get into the game. Thankfully, solo mode also features several "Gates" that, when interacted with, will offer some lore for certain archetypes, practice duels to teach players the mechanics of the archetypes, and full duels against the AI where Loaner decks can be used featuring the archetypes.

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The first gate players will come across will be the one focused on the Monarch archetype. A fan favorite and for good reason as the Monarchs sport beautifully drawn card art and simple gameplay mechanics making it a very beginner-friendly archetype. As this is one of the earliest gates it is very short and should take players just under an hour to clear for the first. This guide will focus on clearing the gate with the loaner decks and the best way to do so.

1 Scenario 1/Practice 1

YGO Master Duel Absolute Monarch Scenario & Practice 1

For the lore lovers, it's worth spending some time reading about the lore of the Monarchs. The Yu-Gi-Oh! series has always prided itself on the extensive lore crafted for characters, cards and even whole archetypes. Monarchs are no different, but do temper one's expectations as the "Scenario" mission does not give a full overview of the lore rather just a taste. However, having an official game breakdown of some of the extensive lore found throughout the series is nice.

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The "Practice" mission will be good for beginner duelists as the game walks players through the main mechanic of the archetype and how to utilize it. It will also explain important aspects of the Tribute Summoning mechanic which will be very helpful to newer players. Once it's cleared it will provide 150 of the "Earth Orb" to further unlock locked chapters where it can be used in Solo Mode.

2 Duel 1 - Monarchs' Sideshow

YGO Master Duel Absolute Monarch gate duel 1

Opponents Key Cards


  • Kuraz the Light Monarc: Can destroy up to two of the players cards on the field
  • The Tricky: Can Special Summon itself more than once per turn


  • Raigeki Break (Trap): Can destroy one card on the players side of the field
  • Rush Recklessly (Spell): Can increase the attack of an AI's monster by 700 and is a Quick-Play Spell

Utilize cards such as Pantheism of the Monarchs to discard another Monarch Spell/Trap to the graveyard such as The Prime Monarch to draw two more cards from the player's deck. This will enable the player to either activate Pantheism of the Monarchs or The Prime Monarchs graveyard effect to either add another Monarch Spell/Trap to hand or Special Summon a monster for Tribute Summon respectively. To protect the player's Monarchs from pesky card effects the AI will have, use March of the Monarchs and The Monarchs Erupt. The trap cards are also not to be overlooked as The First Monarch and Escalation of the Monarchs are fantastic ways to extend plays. If possible also try to ignore the monsters in the Extra Deck as those cards are there merely to activate Pot of Extravagance. Lastly, the Monarchs Stormforth is an amazing card that allows the player to Tribute one of the AI's monsters for the players own Tribute Summon.

3 Duel 2 - Yomi Emperor

YGO Master Absolute Monarch gate duel 2

Opponents Key Cards


  • Zabord the Thunder Monarch: Can destroy one monster on the field
  • Mobius the Frost Monarch: Can destroy up to 2 Spell/Trap cards on the field
  • Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch: Can force the player to discard 1 random card from the hand
  • Caius the Shadow Monarch: Can banish one card on the field


  • Raigeki Break (Trap): Can destroy one card on the player's side of the field
  • Dark Hole (Spell): Destroy all monsters on the field
  • Monster Reborn: Special Summon one monster from the AI or players graveyard

The deck here focuses on banishing the player's cards to enable effects or Special Summoning so be sure to utilize that with Macro Cosmos and Dimensional Fissure. Celestial Observatory is a good card to help with bad hands as it can draw two cards, but it is once per turn. The player also has access to all the same Monarchs as the AI, so it will be a race to see which side can summon a key Monarch first to swing the game. Fiend's Sanctuary will also help players get a token on the field for a Tribute Summon and Raigeki will destroy all monsters only the AI controls to allow for an open attack to the AI's life points.

4 Duel 3 - The True Monarch

YGO Absolute Monarch date duel 3

Opponents Key Cards


  • Erebus the Underworld Monarch: Shuffle 1 card into the deck from the player's hand or field
  • Mobius the Mega Monarch: Can destroy up to 3 Spell/Trap cards on the field
  • Thestalos the Mega Monarch: Can force the player to discard 1 random card from the hand and take effect damage if it is a monster
  • Caius the Mega Monarch: Can banish up to 2 cards on the field and inflict effect damage to the player


  • The Monarchs Erupt (Trap): All monster effects are negated except for Tribute Summoned monsters
  • The Monarchs Stormforth (Spell): Allow the AI to use one of the player's monsters for a Tribute Summon
  • Monster Reborn: Special Summon one monster from the AI or players graveyard

Be sure to use the Normal Summon on Edea the Heavenly Squire as she can Special Summon Eidos the Underworld Squire which when Summoned to the field can allow the player to Tribute Summon despite already using up the Normal Summon that turn. If the player is going to use the Extra Deck this time around, try to Summon Number 38: Hope Harbinger Dragon Titanic Galaxy. The easiest way to do so is to Summon Ehther the Heavenly Monarch who can Special Summon another Monarch from the deck making the ideal choice to be Erebus the Underworld Monarch as both cards are level 8 which is required to Xyz Summon Number 38: Hope Harbinger. Finally, don't forget to use the powerful Spell cards such as Harpie's Feather Duster, Monster Reborn, and Reinforcement of the Army to seal the deal and display why cards such as those are limited to one on the banlist.

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Once players have conquered the final duel a well-earned Monarch icon will be there for the taking. While this may seem disappointing don't fret as the gate has only been cleared, not fully completed. To do so, players will have to go back and ensure all missions have been interacted with completely and win all the duels against the AI with a custom deck. Thankfully by this time, players should have access to the Monarch structure deck which is a good starter deck to allow players to take what was learned from the loaner decks, apply it, and collect the rest of the rewards the gate has to offer.

Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and mobile devices.

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