In late August, YouTuber Ludwig was swatted. The content creator was setting up his chess tournament and was getting a glass of water upstairs in his home when police offers entered his office with their guns out. Ludwig has since made it clear that he and his family are safe, though the police did let his cat Coots outside. In a recently posted YouTube video, Ludwig did reveal that the police left another present for him, having damaged his home by falling through an attic ceiling.

The video published by Ludwig first starts by explaining what the police do in a swatting situation. He says that the police have to do a thorough search of the entire house, including attics. It doesn't matter if Ludwig is able to explain the situation or if the police believe him. They have to do a search to cover their legal bases. Storming someone's home is no small matter, after all. The police apparently went into the attic, found an area without flooring, and fell through.

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A photo shared by Ludwig shared the damage caused by the incident. There's a substantial hold in the wallboard used for the ceiling, which was shown to be over the upper tier of a staircase. Luckily, it doesn't seem like the SWAT police officer fell all the way through the ceiling. Perhaps they slipped and their leg or legs dropped through. Ludwig says he isn't sure how it happened, because he has a set for recording in the attic and no one has ever had a problem getting around.

Ludwig says that the police admitted the mistake and that the repair will be footed by taxpayer dollars as a result. The police force, obviously, doesn't pay for these things on its own. Ludwig says it's nice to get some money back from what he pays in taxes. There was a clear intent to bring levity to the swatting of the YouTuber's home.

All in all, Ludwig made light of the matter, and it's understandable why. Swatting is an incredibly dangerous act that has led to the police killing innocent swatting targets in the past. Ludwig putting on a strong front and saying it barely bothered him that police put a gun in his face and broke into his home denies his attacker what they're looking for.

This is not the first time Ludwig has been swatted, unfortunately. He's also taken measures to try and prevent it from happening, contacting the police and having it recorded that they'll call him before the event happens again. Other YouTubers have done similar things, but have been swatted anyway. That's never led to a phone call, however. The police swatted Ludwig's home regardless.

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