Yakuza 0 is one of the most unique yet utterly enjoyable video game experiences one can subject themselves too, with the game being a perfect entry point for the intimidating Yakuza series that features a massive number of titles. Watching fan-favorite characters like Kazuma Kiryu and Goro Majima develop into the personalities we all know and love is quite a blast indeed.

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The game is full to the brim with content, and players who want to make the most of what this title has to offer should try and accumulate as many Completion Points (CP) as possible in order to unlock some truly helpful content, items, and anything else along the same lines. However, attaining CP is not as simple as one might think, which is why the following tips should be kept in mind to ensure that players can enjoy a steady flow of CP throughout their playthrough.

Updated on August 27, 2022 by Ritwik Mitra: The system of Completion Points was easily one of the most brilliant inclusions in the Yakuza series. After all, the games already had a wealth of content from the get-go, and CP compelled players to check out almost everything the game had to offer.

In Yakuza 0, CP unlocks a bunch of helpful things, and here are the best ways to garner as much CP as possible in the course of playing the game.

15 Frequent The Coliseum

Coliseum in Yakuza 0

The Coliseum is a mainstay of the Yakuza series that has appeared in almost every game. Using the abilities of the playable characters to wreak havoc against the opposition makes for an engaging time indeed.

It helps that winning battles in the Coliseum nets some unique CP as well. This, coupled with the CP players get from fighting regularly, makes the Coliseum a lucrative place to farm some CP and other things as well.

14 Run, Sprint, And Use The Taxi As Much As Possible

Yakuza 0 kiryu game

The fact that exploration itself is rewarded in the game should be enough to prove just how much Yakuza 0 wants players to roam around and experience the game's content. Players should use every tool at their disposal to expedite this movement.

Running around, sprinting, and taking the cab gives players CP as well. This encourages people to mix it up while exploring so that even the simple act of moving around the map can help them gain some valuable CP.

13 Talk To Everyone

Be My Boyfriend from Yakuza 0

The areas of Sotenbori and Kamorucho in Yakuza 0 are full to the brim with characters who contribute to the livability of this game world. Players should definitely interact with most NPCs at regular points to hear their thoughts on the game's events too.

To incentivize this, even the simple act of talking to NPCs is linked to gaining CP! It might sound like a rather menial thing to reward, but props should be given to the CP system for making pretty much everything in the game have some kind of meaning, as small as it may be.

12 Train To Improve All Combat Styles

A Nouveau Riche enemy in Yakuza 0

During Majima and Kiryu's adventure, they'll encounter various combat specialists who can help them improve each of their combat styles. This is obviously a recommended course of action to take since these combat styles will help players deal with some rather challenging enemies later on in the game.

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It also helps that mastering the teachings of each master nets CP too. This way, players will technically be killing two birds with one stone, which is pretty satisfying indeed!

11 Interact With Anything That Seems Interesting In The Game World

The Teltel Boys Club in Yakuza 0

There are several things that players can find on the streets of Kamurocho and Sotenbori. From finding telephone cards to saving strangers from goons — the sheer number of activities in the game makes the world feel pretty reactive and engaging.

Pretty much all of these actions net CP in some form or the other. So, if players see anything remotely interesting in these cities, then checking them out is a pretty obvious course of action to take.

10 Use All The Combat Styles Of The Two Protagonists In Battle

Combat in Yakuza 0

Yakuza 0 marks a massive change for the series' combat, with the two protagonists of this title being able to access three combat styles each — along with a secret style that's unlocked later on — that allows for a ton of diversity in battle.

In fact, the game encourages diverse combat strategies as well, and awards Completion Points for each of the three styles and the frequency of their use in battle. So, it only goes without saying that players should use all their styles in combat to attain as much CP as possible.

9 Diversify Heat Actions As Much As Possible

Heat Actions in Yakuza 0

Speaking of diversity, one can't help but mention the whole host of amazing heat actions that can be performed in the game as well.

While spamming the same Heat Action over and over again might be easy, it's a horrible strategy in combat that doesn't allow players to get some valuable CP for using a whole host of Heat Actions in battle.

So, it goes without saying that players should try and use as many Heat Actions as possible in order to attain this CP... while simultaneously making combat all the more enjoyable as well!

8 Fight As Many Enemies As You Can

Yakuza 0's combat

This one is a no-brainer — the game awards players for beating up enemies, using different Heat Actions on them, and saving assault victims on the street as well.

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Thus, it goes without saying that the player should try and fight as many enemies as possible in order to attain CP as quickly as possible.

7 Pay Close Attention To The Real Estate And Cabaret Sidequests

Real Estate Royale in Yakuza 0

Both Kiryu and Majima have their own major side quests in the form of Real Estate Royale and Cabaret Club Czar. Not only does progressing through these sidequests allow players to attain a ton of money and unlock interesting content... but it also unlocks a ton of CP as well.

Players should try and complete these major sidequests with due diligence in order to maximize the overall CP they can attain from these activities.

6 Complete As Many Substories As Possible

Disciple Of The New Order in Yakuza 0

One of the staples of the Yakuza series that still serves as one of its biggest draws to this day, Yakuza 0 is no slouch when it comes to integrating a whole host of unique and entertaining substories, most of which will make fans laugh their hearts out at the sheer bizarre and hilarious nature of some of the predicaments Kiryu and Majima find themselves in.

However, finding this amazing content isn't the only reason why players should seek out these substories — completing them helps players net valuable CP, while also unlocking potential friends along the way as well.

5 Make A Ton Of Friends Throughout Your Adventure

SEGA HI-TECH LAND Attendant Kyoko in Yakuza 0

Speaking of friends, one has to mention the importance of maximizing all the friendships one can make in the game as they discover various new characters throughout their journey.

Befriending the side characters in Yakuza 0 nets valuable CP that can be used to unlock a bunch of advantages. Speaking of which...

4 Optimize Your Combat Strategy For Mr. Shakedown

Mr. Shakedown from Yakuza 0

Earning money and fighting Mr. Shakedown are two things that the game keeps a track of, providing CP for the same whenever a milestone is reached in both departments. Thus, this makes it essential for players to improve their combat skills and figure out the best way possible to defeat an enemy as powerful as Mr. Shakedown.

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At the start, Mr. Shakedown might seem like the most intimidating character in the entire game... but players who manage to best this massive foe once will find themselves settling into a grove of defeating this enemy over and over again — a useful development that accomplishes both CP milestones mentioned above with ease.

3 Try Out All The Minigames

Gambling in Yakuza 0

Yakuza 0 is a game full to the brim with content, with its minigames also featuring enough entertaining moments to keep fans occupied for hours on end.

This is quite useful, especially since pretty much every minigame in the game has a bunch of CP attached to it, meaning that players who comb through these minigames will find themselves with an abundance of CP after a while.

2 Get The Bottomless Stomach Perk To Go All Out In Restaurants Across Town

Eating food in Yakuza 0

A rather easy way to get CP in Yakuza 0 is to hit up all the eateries in town and order pretty much everything on the menu. However, this can be challenging near the start of the game, when the characters are able to eat food only when their health is depleted.

However, there's a small way to remove this annoying mechanic altogether — simply get the Bottomless Stomach upgrade for both characters and watch them scarf down entire menus without so much as a second thought!

1 Most Importantly — Play Through The Main Story And Complete Chapters

Kiryu using a gun in Yakuza 0

While this might be the most obvious point on the list, there's no denying the fact that most people tend to get so lost in the packed world of Yakuza that they end up neglecting the main quest altogether.

This manner of playing the game isn't recommended in the slightest — aside from the CP that can be gained during and after finishing the chapter, prioritizing the main story also ensures that the stellar narrative of Yakuza 0 doesn't lose its punch — something that happens quite frequently in video gaming due to poor pacing issues.

Yakuza 0 was released on March 15, 2015, and is available for PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Amazon Luna.

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