Xenoblade Chronicles 3's release at the end of July will be the first Nintendo Switch exclusive in a series of substantial game launches for the platform through the rest of 2023. Yet Xenoblade Chronicles 3 has several major barriers that might prevent it from helping the Switch develop much momentum going into late summer and fall. It's a massive RPG, for one, and the fourth game in a series with complicated continuity, as well. To help introduce new players, Nintendo has put together a lengthy video that may help some figure out if Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is for them.

The video starts with what will be Xenoblade Chronicles 3's biggest hook, its story. In the world of Xenoblade Chronicles 3, soldiers on both sides of a war are created with 10-year lifespans. They literally battle their entire lives. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 breaks six soldiers out of this cycle and places them on an adventure to discover their own lives' worth, a path to potentially pulling down the structure that created this endless war in the first place.

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After an introduction to Xenoblade Chronicles 3's story, the trailer then delves into its combat system. In Xenoblade Chronicles 3's combat, each character in the party has access to their own Arts, which are abilities that help punctuate their role within the party. Stringing together these Arts across a full party to create combinations can make the difference between winning or losing a fight.

Another major combat feature is Interlinking. The various party members in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 each have a partner with which they can link, combining into a more powerful Ouroboros form. Ouroboros each have their own Arts to use and even have Soul Trees where Soul Points can be spent to increase the fusion's powers.

The rest of the Xenoblade Chronicles 3 trailer is spent introducing the various characters and locations of the massive JRPG. Through their adventure, players will be introduced to a number of unique NPCs that can be recruited to the party. Each has their own personality and combat class that can change a player's gameplay experience. They then take this party of characters throughout a thriving, fully explorable world, rich with secrets, dangers, and rewards.

Even an 8-minute in-depth video barely scratches the surface of the full Xenoblade Chronicles 3 experience. Still, for those unsure whether to purchase and play Xenoblade Chronicles 3, this video will hopefully offer enough of a look at the game that it's easy to make a decision. Expect further information about Xenoblade Chronicles 3 to be shared over the next week in preparation for launch.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 releases July 29 on Switch.

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