In Xenoblade Chronicles 3, there are four different types of "experience" that can be gained from battle or completing quests. The main one is regular experience (XP), which is how characters level up and grow stronger. However, there's also Bonus XP, Skill Points (SP), and Class Points (CP).

Gaining CP is necessary to rank up and unlock the various Classes in Xenoblade Chronicles 3. Unlike XP, CP isn't as common and can be hard to farm, depending on the characters' level. There are limited ways to gain CP, but certain in-game features can increase CP gain.

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Understanding Classes and Class Points (CP)

xenoblade chronicles 3 exp cp gain

Each time players complete one of XC3's Hero Quest, they unlock a Hero and their Class. Each Class has an Inheritor in one of the main characters. So, for example, Ethel is a Hero that uses the Flash Fencer Class. Her Class Inheritor is Noah, and as such, Noah is the only one who can use the Flash Fencer Class immediately after it's been unlocked.

To unlock Flash Fencer for the other characters (Mio, etc.), they will need to gain Class Points to fill up the chibi icon in their Classes menu. This can be gained by having the right Hero in the party, or by having the Skill Inheritor equipped with the Class they're trying to unlock.

When players win a battle, they will sometimes gain CP in addition to EXP. Enemies that have a "grayed-out" level over their heads won't give any CP, so players shouldn't waste their time fighting them, as it won't give any CP. Players can check their Class progress in the pause menu under "Characters."

Each Class has a Class Aptitude, which determines the rate at which a Class ranks up. This means that some characters will need more CP than others if they want to Rank Up.

Defeat Unique and Elite Monsters

xenoblade chronicles 3 elite monster

The most surefire way of gaining CP is to fight Unique and Elite monsters. These will give a set amount of CP depending on the player's levels. The higher the player's level is compared to the Unique or Elite Monster, the less CP they'll gain. It's important to fight monsters around the same level to get the most Class Points.

If players notice they're not unlocking Classes despite gaining CP, it could mean a few things:

  1. The enemies are too weak. Remember: Avoid battling enemies with "gray" levels.
  2. The Hero with the Class that a character is trying to learn isn't in the party. Alternatively, the Class Inheritor isn't equipped with the right Class.

If players have already defeated a Unique Monster, they can fight it again by interacting with the monster's Named Grave.

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Use Chain Attacks and Get Overkill

xenoblade chronicles 3 chain attack feature

Chain Attacks can be initiated once the Chain Gauge is full. Chances are players won't be able to use Chain Attacks against regular enemies, but they will against Unique Enemies and the Consuls. The Chain Gauge fills up for using Class Arts and using Combos.

Sometimes, players will manage to fully deplete the enemy's HP before the Chain Attack is finished. This will result in an Overkill. Getting an Overkill during a Chain Attack will double the amount of XP and CP. The quickest way to defeat an enemy during a Chain Attack is by getting Bravo or Amazing rankings and understanding Chain Orders.

If players manage to get 100% on the Tactical Points Gauge, they will have completed a Chain Attack turn. If there's still energy left in the Chain Gauge, then they can attack again. Turns that end at 99% or below will immediately end the Chain Attack. This can be useful if players just want to get the Overkill and not drag out the fight.

A good thing to keep in mind when doing Chain Attacks is to start off with an Attacker (red icon). This will give the First Blood ability. Use a Healer (green icon) to stop the Tactical Points Gauge at 99%. Then, end the turn by using an Attacker or a Defender with the highest TP. Do not use a Healer to end the Chain Attack. This will prevent the gauge from breaking 99%.

Use the Colony Canteens or Cook

xenoblade chronicles 3 cooking

The more Colonies that players liberate, the more recipes they can learn. Every Colony has a Canteen, with a dish that can be ordered by paying gold. Some meals, such as the one in Colony 11, will give a CP Boost for a set amount of time. Players only need to order a Colony's food once for it to automatically register to Manana's Cookbook. Once registered, players can cook the meal at a Camp as long as they have the right ingredients or Silver Nopon Coins.

Keep in mind that CP Boosting meals can't stack. Only one meal can be in effect at a time.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is available now on Nintendo Switch.

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