
  • Executive producer Mark Rubin confirms a weapon inspection feature in development for XDefiant.
  • Ubisoft is doing a great job addressing player requests with quick updates, keeping it relevant in the live-service space.

Mark Rubin, one of the executive producers of XDefiant, has confirmed that a weapon inspection feature is in development for the game after many requests from the community. XDefiant launched last month, touting itself as a true Call of Duty competitor, but there are still a couple of features it needs to truly sit atop the FPS throne.

The initial launch of XDefiant was a huge success for Ubisoft, but as with any live-service game, the true test comes over time. Luckily, the studio seems to be doing a great job of listening to its community and bringing in player requests quickly. Just recently, XDefiant added Team Deathmatch, which is a huge addition for casual players who just want to hop in and kill some enemies. This is the approach XDefiant needs if it is to stick around as a competitor in the FPS genre - keeping its player base happy with frequent new content to enjoy.

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Responding to a community question about whether a weapon inspection feature was in the works, executive producer Mark Rubin had just one word: "Yup." As far as confirmations go, it doesn't get more definitive than that, meaning players will soon be able to push a button to inspect their weapon skin in-game. It does seem a little strange that any game with weapon skins doesn't have a way for players to actually inspect them, so it's good to hear that this is finally on the way. While Rubin unfortunately doesn't give a date for weapon inspection to arrive, hopefully, it's added before XDefiant Season 1 begins on July 2.

Weapon Inspection is Coming to XDefiant

While weapon inspection is just a small feature that won't make a substantial change to gameplay, players expect to find the little details in their games nowadays. There's plenty that XDefiant does differently from Call of Duty, but if Ubisoft really wants to compete with the mammoth franchise in the long run, taking ideas like weapon inspection and implementing them in its own title is going to be necessary.

Alongside weapon inspection, there's plenty for XDefiant players to look forward to in the coming months. Ubisoft has already confirmed that XDefiant is getting its own version of Search and Destroy titled 1-Life Bomb, which is sure to be good news for hardcore FPS players. Season 1 is going to be huge when it launches, bringing new maps, weapons, and even a faction called the GSK. Hopefully, XDefiant can deliver on its early promise and stick around in the long run.