
  • XDefiant, Ubisoft's newest online shooter, has quickly become a hit, reaching one million users within 48 hours of launch.
  • The game is constantly evolving with executive producer Mark Rubin confirming upcoming features like killcams.
  • In addition, Ubisoft is working on new game modes including a Search and Destroy inspired mode called and a 1-Life Bomb.

XDefiant's executive producer Mark Rubin responds to players asking for specific features and game modes, confirming that a Search and Destroy style experience as well as killcams are coming soon. It's been a longer than expected road for Ubisoft's newest online shooter, but the game has finally launched. Taking place inside of Ubisoft's Clancyverse, XDefiant has quickly become a hit, becoming the company's fastest-ever game to reach one million unique users 48 hours after it launched.

As a live service title, XDefiant is a game that will be constantly evolving over time, with the game launching into its Preseason to give players time to come to grips with the title. Ubisoft continues to work on the product as XDefiant recently released Update 1, which fixed the frustrating hit registration problem that players were running into as well as reneabling the Practice Zone area where fans could try out different weapons and abilities in a no stress enviornment. However, there is plenty more on the way with Season 1 planned in the summer, as well as new game modes and features being worked on as well.

XDefiant Producer Offers Advice For Players Struggling With Game's Difficulty

One of the executive producers on XDefiant, Mark Rubin, offers some great advice for any players struggling with the game's difficulty.

XDefiant's executive producer Mark Rubin, who many may remember from Infinity Ward, has been highly active on social media, discussing the game and chatting with fans. With XDefiant finally launching for all players, Rubin has seemingly been even more active, revealing upcoming plans Ubisoft has while also attempting to answer questions from players. As XDefiant continues to be compared to other games like Call of Duty, many players want to see certain features or game modes that aren't currently available. One such mode, Search and Destroy, appears to be on the way, after Rubin responded to a fan and confirmed that XDefiant's version called 1-Life Bomb is being worked on but doesn't yet have a solid launch date.

Is XDefiant Getting a KillCam Feature?

Yes, killcams are on the way for Ubisoft's XDefiant. The news was confirmed again by Mark Rubin, who responded directly to a fan asking over social media. Rubin indicated the team is "working on it", though solid details like a release date were not provided. Many fans have been wondering if such a system was on the way as killcams are incredibly popular in Call of Duty for not only showing what went wrong in that moment, but some have even used it to catch possible cheaters in the act as well.

The killcam feature will likely be a highly important feature for XDefiant going forward, as being a free to play title has also lured in some less than desirable hackers and cheaters. While cheating is common in many F2P titles like Call of Duty: Warzone and The Finals, XDefiant has attempted to get out ahead of this problem by using the BattlEye anti-cheat system present in games like Rainbow Six: Siege. Unfortunately, it appears that some have managed to get around it for now, as some players have reported aimbotting and seeing websites selling specific XDefiant cheats online.