
  • Different factions in XDefiant offer unique abilities for strategic loadouts.
  • Libertad players should focus on weapon types other than LMG and Shotgun.
  • Customizing loadouts with specific weapons and abilities is vital for success in matches.

There are several factions to choose from in Ubisoft's XDefiant, and each of them will offer players different abilities to make use of with their Loadouts. While there are only six types of weapons, each of these categories offers multiple choices with varying base stats, all of which will influence a faction's ability to make the most of them.

XDefiant: How to Unlock Every Faction Character

Here’s everything you need to know about unlocking new characters for every Faction in XDefiant.

The two weapons that Libertad don’t use as well as the game's other weapons are the LMG and the Shotgun. While they can still be great fun, other factions' abilities will be much better suited for Loadouts revolving around them. Instead, Libertad players should focus on creating Loadouts with the four other weapon types in XDefiant. Knowing how to make use of each Loadout to its fullest will be vital for dominating matches.

4 Best Sniper Loadout For Libertad

Long Range Support

Sniper XDefiant_ Best Loadouts For Libertad Faction

With a sniper loadout, the best choice of ability comes down to how the player prefers to play. If they plan on running to their favorite sniper nest right after they spawn, they should take the El Remedio. This way they can place it outside of where enemies will see it — and it can keep healing the user as they pop out to take shots. If they prefer to run to a different location after their sniping spot becomes compromised, BioVida Boost will let players get a healing burst at any point between locations if they run into trouble. Likewise, a player's choice of sniper rifle will need to be adjusted for this playstyle. The Tac-50 is better for those who like to hunker down in one location, while the M44 will provide more base mobility for those who like to be on the move.

Between the two, the Tac-50 is well worth the effort of mastering due to its higher base Firepower and Accuracy stats for landing perfectly timed headshots (be sure to add a weapon XP booster to make each of those headshots count even more). The player’s attachments should focus on raising Fire Power, Accuracy, and Ammo. When it comes to a choice of sidearm, the 93R is the best choice while running between nests. It can fire a burst of shots that deal a large amount of damage if all those shots connect, but it also offers the best mobility to ensure players can quickly reach their sniping destination. For a device, players will want the Proximity Mine to place around their position and take out any enemy that attempts to flank them from their nest.

3 Best Marksman Loadout For Libertad

Midrange Support

Marksman XDefiant_ Best Loadouts For Libertad Faction

The Marksman will allow players to still play at longer range, but also make them be able to stay closer to their allies so that they can be more effective healers, rather than selfishly hogging all the healing in a sniper next. Take the BioVida Boost for this Loadout, as it will let its users heal up alongside their allies and keep everyone in the fight without worrying about enemies destroying a stationary El Remedio. The SVD offers more Firepower and Accuracy, making it the better base choice. Attachments should focus on raising Mobility and Firepower so that players never find themselves without an escape route they can shoot their way through.

XDefiant: Which Faction Should You Play As?

There is a wide range of factions that players can choose from in XDefiant. But which one should you play as?

Just like with a Sniper Loadout, players can't go wrong with a 93R side arm for dealing with close-range situations. Players will want to get comfortable with using Flashbangs, as they will be able to disorientate enemies and then have no trouble taking them out at a distance before the effects wear off. If this build is something players really enjoy, they should try it out with a Phantom and their Mag Barrier as well.

2 Best SMG Loadout For Libertad


SMG XDefiant_ Best Loadouts For Libertad Faction

Charging right in with an SMG might seem better for a tankier faction, but don’t forget that Libertad are the medics of the game — and will often get a high-five for doing a good job at it. The further away they are from their allies, the less players will get out of using the faction, and they would be better off using an entirely different faction instead. El Remedio will be best base for SMG users who will always be charging forward, as they can leave it behind for allies to use while they go for a flank.

The MP7 will be a perfect choice thanks to its high Mobility and Ammo stats — made even better by upping the Ammo and Firepower of the weapon as players unlock components. When the time comes to pull out a sidearm, the D50 and 93R are both great choices. As for a device, players right up in the action will need to always be moving and might not be able to stick around to finish off an enemy that they hit with a status effect, so it is best to use a Sticky Grenade. A well-placed toss will land right where players need it to go boom, and they will have already left the area.

1 Best Assault Rifle Loadout For Libertad

Combat Medic

Assault Rifle XDefiant_ Best Loadouts For Libertad Faction

The Assault Rifle offers the most versatility and is seen as one of the best weapons in the game as a whole. This makes it perfect for a combat medic who needs to be able to support anyone in need. They can hang back at mid-range with their allies, or fight their way to the frontline where other allies might need them. Both abilities work well with this loadout, but BioVide Boost might get of more use, as it lets players heal up with their allies before moving out to another position. As for which Assault Rifle to take, the lower down on the list, the better the weapon seems to be for all categories.

XDefiant: How to Unlock DedSec

Here’s how you can unlock the DedSec faction and bring a touch of Watch Dogs to your XDefiant experience.

However, after putting in a lot of time to unlock all of the Assault Rifle weapons, the AK-47 features more Firepower over the ACR 6.8’s Mobility. While Mobility will be a big advantage for players in the thick of things, Firepower is a better choice for the versatility of an Assault Rifle, letting players deal more damage at mid-range and while charging forward. Players will want attachments that improve their Firepower, Ammo, and Mobility. Players might also prefer the D50 in terms of side arms if they need to shoot while retreating backwards. The Frag Grenade is the perfect device to flush enemies out of cover while maintaining an optimal distance to finish them off when they flee.


PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
May 21, 2024
Ubisoft San Francisco