XDefiant provides players with several factions when they start the game. Each of these factions has access to different abilities, passives, and an ultimate. While any faction can use any of the game's weapons and devices, these activated abilities and passives change which weapons work, depending on the faction that a player chooses to use.

Among the game's factions, the Cleaners dominate when it comes to rushing down their enemies and creating area denial on the map. When it comes to game modes such as Escort, they can cut off hallways and force opponents off the payload. If they cannot push that payload, they cannot win. Here are the best loadouts to use when playing this faction in XDefiant.

10 Best FPS Games for Low-End PCs

First-person shooters usually look and feel better on beastly PCs, but these great FPS games can be enjoyed even on low-end machines.

4 Best LMG Loadout For Cleaners

For Holding The Line

LMG for Cleaner Faction in Xdefiant

An LMG packs a lot of firepower and ammunition, making it easy to mow down opponents on the battlefield. However, it has a very long reload time, making it something that new players will want to get used to. With an RPK-74, players will be able to hold down a chosen location to rack up points. This weapon will be even better if players use attachments that enhance the Firepower, Accuracy, and Ammo stats.

This Loadout works well with the Incinerator Drone, which can leave a trail of fire to prevent enemies from rushing — and dooming those that try to brave forward. The best sidearm for this loadout is the 93R. It will get a boost from the Cleaner passive, Incendiary Rounds, to make it the ideal close range option when enemies try to get in close. Finally, the EMP Grenade will allow the player to disable enemy devices and abilities for an even more effective shut down strategy.

3 Best Shotgun Loadout For Cleaners

For Protecting The Point

Shotgun for Cleaner Faction in Xdefiant

The Cleaners' passive sacrifices range for damage, meaning that close-range weapons are better suited for those that want the most from this faction. This makes the Cleaners the perfect faction for players that want to bring a shotgun with them, or who specialize in this type of weapon. The specific Shotgun that a player should use depends on their skill level. For players that are not so good at headshots, the Double Barrel will hit the hardest and finish off countless wounded targets. Gamers that can get consistent headshots will want the AA-12 for its fully automatic fire rate, which can wipe out multiple enemies in an instant. Both of these guns can be unlocked using the game's default shotgun.

5 Best First-Person Shooter Games With Class Systems

Some first person shooters revolutionized the multiplayer genre with their class systems. Here are the some of the best.

Players will want attachments that bring up their Firepower to make sure their enemies will not be getting back up. The best ability to use will be the Firebomb, as it can scorch the ground where enemies want to be while also inflicting damage to nearby ones. Players will want to bring the D50 pistol for anything that is not within 10 meters of them. Finally, Proximity Mines will allow them to leave a trap for enemies circling around them.

2 Best Assault Rifle Loadout For Cleaners

For All Situations

Assault Rifles for Cleaner Faction in Xdefiant

Assault rifles are very versatile, and provide players with the ability to play at both mid-range and close range. This makes them feel like they are never at a disadvantage. The best Assault Rifle to put in the hands of a Cleaner is the M16A4, because of its higher base Firepower. Players will want to favor closer damage as opposed to long-range damage, due to their passive. Relying on accurate shots from a distance is not something this faction should be used for.

20 Great Story-Driven FPS Games

These FPS games aren't just about moving from gunfight to gunfight. They also tell a great story as players progress.

Using a combination of Sticky Bombs will be the first option players turn to for dealing with longer-ranged targets while sticking to moving in closer. Players will also want to bring an Incinerator Drone to ignite a corridor when they run into an enemy. Should a player run out of ammo or need to reload while an enemy is closing in, the 93R will make short work at short distances. This is also a great weapon choice for Medics who want to stay close to their allies.

1 Best SMG Loadout For Cleaners

For Rushing In

SMG for Cleaner Faction in Xdefiant

The Cleaners are a damage-focused and aggressive class, and so is the submachine gun (SMG) weapon. The added damage from this faction’s passive makes this already deadly weapon even scarier. A Firebomb used at the location where opponents want to be can drop enemies as fast as a crack-shot AA-12 user. For this loadout, players will also want attachments focused on Mobility and Firepower. These will allow them to rush to where they want to be as quickly as possible.

Players will want to get their hands on an MP7 as soon as they can. This weapon offers higher base values in Mobility and Ammo, which will increase the Cleaners' odds of success in their next combat exchange. Players should bring an EMP Grenade with them to deal with any Phantoms that are ready to be rushed down. Once an SMG runs dry on ammo, the 93R is a great option if they get all their bullets to connect, as it will outperform any other side arm.


PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
May 21, 2024
Ubisoft San Francisco