Realistically, it's unlikely Xbox Series X will have free-to-play multiplayer across the board, but at the moment, that's one of the prevailing Xbox rumors. Some possible proof to that rumor comes from Halo Infinite's announcement of free-to-play multiplayer, but for now, Microsoft hasn't made any definitive confirmations. That's not to say Microsoft doesn't already have a solid infrastructure in place to make this happen, but it'd be far too early to say for sure. Rumors are sometimes just rumors, after all. As for Sony, PS5 getting free-to-play multiplayer isn't exactly a promising theory, even if it's competition goes this route.

The other gaming powerhouse releasing a console this fall is doubling down on what made the PS4 so great: premium games on a premium console with premium services. At least that's the perception anyway, with the PS5's whimsical design and expanded lineup of exclusives coming in the near future. PlayStation sells itself as "the best place to play" and "the future of gaming" for that reason, so PlayStation Plus could very well be a mainstay subscription on the platform moving forward.

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Xbox's Free-To-Play Rumors

xbox live changes xbox series x header

Rumors about Xbox's potential free-to-play evolution started earlier this month, when several insiders seemed confident this was the next logical step for Xbox Live. It began with prominent Xbox insider Klobrille, who has accurately reported on Halo Infinite details previously, suggesting that Xbox Live would very likely revoke the subscription paywall. This was eventually backed up tangentially by VentureBeat reporter Jeff Grubb, hinting that higher player engagement with Xbox would yield greater returns in the long run. Much of this aligns with Microsoft's recent strategy to be very consumer friendly with the Xbox brand.

Considering the PS4's massive success last generation, this could be Microsoft trying to start off next-gen on a stronger foot. It's no secret that Xbox One struggled this past generation, despite all of the course-correcting the brand has done in recent years. The Play Anywhere Initiative bringing Xbox games to PC, Game Pass carving an incredible value in the gaming market, along with all of the exclusive Xbox Game Studios Microsoft has acquired over the last few years, and all of these unforeseen changes to Xbox is winning back the trust of gaming fans. Xbox doesn't want or need to compete with PlayStation anymore, as the brand is establishing its own unique foundation in the gaming market.

PlayStation's Premium Console Experience

playstation 5 console

On the other side is PlayStation, the brand that's understandably sticking to its traditional roots. Sony strictly emphasized the gaming experience this past generation, and it paid off in droves. The PS4 saw massive success driven by its exclusive triple-A titles and studios making some of the greatest games of all time, coupled with tons of exclusive content deals with franchises like Call of Duty. Presumably this same framework will be applied to the PS5, especially considering all of the exclusive games shown during the PS5 reveal event. Sony likely isn't even considering reducing the paywall for PS Plus, because as mentioned before, it's all about premium games on a premium service.

That's not even to say the service offerings from PlayStation are even that vastly superior compared to Xbox. In fact, in many ways, they really don't compare. PS Now doesn't have much footing when compared to Game Pass' library and value. There really aren't too many differences between Xbox Live Gold and PlayStation Plus. The only edge PlayStation occasionally has is the free games, which tend to have better offerings compared to Games with Gold. But considering Xbox has Game Pass now, with a huge library of games to choose from, Games with Gold could be irrelevant or even phased out for the better offering anyway.

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PS Plus Returning to Free Multiplayer Isn't Likely

ps plus sony may 2020

It's probably not feasible according to PlayStation's current brand strategy, but the only possibility PS Plus would move to free-to-play multiplayer would be if it seriously improved some of the other core PlayStation services. The main one that comes to mind is the aforementioned PlayStation Now, the obvious competitor to Xbox Game Pass. Although saying it's even a competitor to Game Pass may be too generous, as the library is far more limited and restrictive in comparison. Other than the PlayStation exclusives, several games like Dishonored 2 and Metro Exodus are either already on Game Pass or are coming to Game Pass. Not to mention PS Now, in some cases, only allows streaming of games instead of direct install.

There are some arguable differences in the quality of connections and social features between PS Plus and Xbox Live Gold, but overall PlayStation's offerings outside of the typical functionality are few and far between. PlayStation Plus is still a solid revenue stream for Sony, while Xbox is establishing new ways that could theoretically account for the cost of free-to-play multiplayer in the long run. PlayStation will likely still be a "games first" platform, meaning the traditional systems of buying and owning a game (instead of a subscription) will likely remain the norm for Sony moving forward. That is, unless PS5 truly invests PlayStation Now or something completely new.

The PS5 launches in holiday 2020.

MORE: Halo Infinite's Free-To-Play Multiplayer May Disprove Xbox Live Rumor