Although gaming consoles are primarily used for playing video games, as Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo's hardware has advanced, many have begun using them as multimedia devices. The PlayStation 4 Pro and Xbox One X can play 4K blu-rays, for example, while pretty much all modern consoles have a vast library of streaming platforms available.

It seems that trend won't change for players picking up an Xbox Series X, with Microsoft revealing exactly which streaming services will be available on the console at launch. The lineup comes with just about every major service currently available on the Xbox One, with Microsoft also revealing it will feature Apple TV for the first time.

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Coming to the Series X, Series S, and Xbox One on November 10, Apple TV will be a big new addition to Microsoft's stable of streaming services, allowing users to watch shows like Mythic Quest, Ted Lasso, Servant, The Morning Show, and more. Apple TV will be joined by a host of other streaming platforms including Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+, YouTube, Spotify, NBC Peacock, and Hulu.

Microsoft also promises that these services will perform "better than ever" on the Xbox Series X, with "fuller colors, enhanced dynamic range, and spatial sound" all being utilized for streaming shows on the console. All in all, it looks to be a solid suite of multimedia entertainment, making the Series X a strong addition to any entertainment center.

The news comes after Sony's recent announcement that not all streaming services will be hitting the PlayStation 5 at launch. While the console will support Apple TV, Netflix, Disney+, and a number of others, it will actually be missing Amazon Prime, Hulu, MyCanal, and Peacock. It seems Xbox will have the upper hand when it comes to offering streaming services, although Sony is sure to integrate the missing apps once the respective companies fine-tune their PlayStation 5 offerings.

The Xbox Series X seems to be a great new addition to the Microsoft console family, offering 4K visuals, quick loading times, and a host of upcoming games. The console will officially ship on November 10, bringing with it a number of huge new features, including its backwards compatible Smart Delivery service, its Quick Resume feature, and more. With the most advanced hardware in an Xbox console to date and a huge lineup of future games on the horizon, it seems the Series X is ready to usher in a new era for Microsoft's gaming division.

The Xbox Series X and S launch on November 10.

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