Whether players own an Xbox or a PlayStation, or even both, there has been a civil war within the gaming industry that seemingly grows with each generation. For as long as Xbox exists, there’ll always be the creative players with enough time to create hilarious memes that throw shade to PlayStation users. And for as long as PlayStation exists, there’ll always be the creative types with enough time to retaliate with memes surrounding the Xbox.

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Then, of course, there are memes about how pointless console wars are from the diplomatic gamers. Wherever players stand on the matter, there’ll always be some hilarious new photo edit that will pop up on Twitter or Reddit.

10 The Dragons

Clearly made by a gamer who is so fed up with the console wars and bears a “can’t we all get along” mindset, the meme insinuates that people who encourage the war and fan the flames are goofs. Sure, the Xbox Series X has better specs, and of course the PlayStation 5 will have resoundingly better exclusive games, but each console is better in its own right.

The PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X are seemingly trying to achieve different things, so in a way, it’s comparing apples to oranges. And if players do that, it makes them look silly and kind of immature.

9 Household Appliances

Making light of the truly bizarre designs of the next generation consoles, they have been compared to household appliances. And it’s a fair assessment, because if you take away the logos and controllers for the PS5 and Xbox Series S, people would totally believe that they were routers and speakers!

Some players who embrace partaking in the console wars can get so out of hand that they would probably even argue that the mini fridge would beat the router, or vice versa. But everyone knows that the speaker could take on both of them.

8 Star Destroyer Disabled

With a diplomatic approach, this meme implies there is no objectivity when it comes to productivity. And while Xbox users might be shooting a Halo needler at PlayStation users, and PlayStation users firing Spider-Man's webs at Xbox fans, the diplomats want to destroy both parties. The meme lays to bed any cheap shot memes that are thrown in either console’s way.

7 The Hazmat Suit

Unfortunately, the Twittersphere that surrounds gaming has become volatile and toxic, and any gamers looking to read interesting information on the consoles, or to even have an interesting debate (not a fight,) have to look elsewhere. Sometimes gamers feel so dirty after reading all of the ridiculous arguments that sometimes it feels like they should have worn a hazmat suit, despite Xbox’s efforts to put an end to the war.

6 Xbox Series X As ABuilding

As this meme must have been made by a PlayStation user, it criticizes how unimaginative and ugly the design of the Xbox Series X really is. The console genuinely looks like there should be office workers inside it fixing fax machines and gossiping at a water cooler, and the console is so big that there just might be.

The console is just a bright color away from looking like a piece of LEGO. Ironically, the building on the right hand side of the Xbox totally looks like a PlayStation 4.

5 PlayStation 5 As A Building

Xbox fans were quick to hit back, as this is a war after all. Though the PlayStation 5 has a very unique design and one that has been parodied and memed to death, it doesn’t really look like a piece of architecture, and certainly not any kind of skyscraper you’d find in the US.

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But fear not, the PS5 sits perfectly along the panoramic vista of Dubai’s glorious skyline. And as the PS5 has been criticized for being one of the longest consoles of all time, the meme isn’t that far fetched.

4 R.I.P. “Optimized For Series X”

With the announcement of the Xbox Series X came branded video games with the slogan “optimized for Series X”, and the sticker on the game boxes was so big, loud, and unnecessary. A lot of work clearly went in to it, probably with a whole design team. Though Microsoft didn’t get in on the joke like they often do with these memes that become viral, they did finally decide to ditch the sticker.

3 PS4 Pro Overheating Hypocrisy

This one is obvious that it was created by a fan of Microsoft because though the PS4 Pro does have a tendency to over heat, there is no mention of the many Xboxes that have consistently over-heated. This meme is a great example of how silly and hypocritical the console war can be, as a Sony console is being criticized for something that a Microsoft console does too.

2 The PC Gamer

We’ve all read the comments sections and there’s always that one guy, or maybe more, who feel like they have to mention that PCs are better and always have been better than any console past, present, or future.

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It’s unclear if this meme is insulting PC gamers, or if it’s insulting keyboard warriors, or even both. But it’s the image every user has of every elitist person who posts a comment like that and feels need to express their opinion when they haven’t been asked.

1 Developer Stereotypes

The developers over at Sony have always been known to be stubborn, while if the Xbox official Twitter account is anything to go by, they have mostly been understanding and very self aware. And this is why this fictional account between the consoles’ users and the developers is hilarious. The Japanese developer gets defensive and weeps, whereas Xbox is standing firm and embracing the console’s likeness to a fridge, which could not be more on point.

NEXT: 10 Dark Souls Boss Memes That Are Way Too Good