The console giant acquisition wars have truly begun, but that doesn't mean it has to be mean-spirited. Many gamers were waiting to see how Sony would respond to Microsoft’s recent acquisition of Activision Blizzard and were shocked today when it dropped the bombshell that it was making an acquisition of its own, purchasing Destiny 2 developer Bungie for $3.6 billion. The announcement garnered a response from Xbox, which saw a tweet from Xbox’s CEO Phil Spencer that congratulated his rival.Sony has a fraction of the war chest that Microsoft has, which is why it will likely never be able to compete by purchasing the massive studios (and the IP that comes with it) that are now part of the Xbox family, such as Bethesda and Activision Blizzard. But a smaller, targeted acquisition like this could help swing things in its favor. Bungie is beloved by gamers and Destiny 2 could continue to add new content and bring in money forever.RELATED: Destiny 2 Bringing Proving Grounds Nightfall and Trials Labs Next WeekSince Bungie used to be a part of Microsoft (Halo was a massive part of the success of the original Xbox), it had to hurt a bit that the studio was bought by its biggest rival, especially since Phil Spencer believed that Microsoft could have kept Bungie from going independent in the first place. But Spencer was gracious about the news. He sent out a nice tweet congratulating the 'talented teams' at Bungie as well as Sony's Hermen Hulst on the acquisition. Hermen responded and thanked him as well, and it was all very nice.

Now that the niceties are out of the way, it’s time to wonder just what the plans are. Sony is already promising that Bungie will stay independent and that Destiny 2 will remain multi-platform, something players on PC, Xbox consoles, and Stadia are likely excited to hear. The latest expansion for Destiny 2,The Witch Queen, is all set to release on February 22nd.

One thing the acquisition announcement doesn't mention, however, is whether future Bungie games will be released on non-PlayStation platforms. It does appear that Bungie's next game will be free-to-play, perhaps in some way similar to what was attempted with Destiny 2. This could mean that it would only be aided by making the game multi-platform, but Sony might want to keep future franchises to itself. Whatever happens, these are exciting times to be a gamer, for sure.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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