In spite of the fact that Microsoft is set to release a new, next-generation game console within the year, the company has continued to remain active with regards to their current system, the Xbox One. The console has had continual software updates come in over the last several months, which makes the UI more efficient. Though, this newest update provides features that greatly improve game library organization.

It's safe to say that the Xbox One as a console has had a rather difficult lifespan. Since its launch, the system has had its fair share of problems, causing numerous grievances for many in the gaming community. Especially amongst Xbox fans. However, Microsoft has continued to update the console's software to try and rectify said grievances, turning the system around into a formidable console.

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The most recent update is out now and specifically helps Xbox users manage their gaming libraries. Instead of having all of the games in a game library show up normally, an overlay will appear over certain games telling users whether the game in question came from either Xbox Game Pass or if it was a free game that came included with Xbox Live Gold.

The goal of this update is to help users properly manage their storage space. Considering how games in this day and age are a combination of physical copies, digital downloads, or downloaded from a subscription. If a user is running low on storage space, then the overlay clues them in as to which games can be deleted to clear up storage space. It makes sense considering that all of these games can simply be re-downloaded later.

It's nice to see how much Microsoft has tried to make the quality of life easier for Xbox One owners. Since it's launch back in October of 2013, the console has gone through many iterations and changes over the years. While there were some hiccups along the way, Microsoft has continued to innovate the Xbox software in any capacity the company can.

With all of this being said, the Xbox One does suffer in a lot of respects. Over the system's lifetime, Microsoft had made numerous promises that were never fully realized. There are many in the gaming community who have been left disappointed by the Xbox One as a result. One can only hope that the Xbox Series X manages to fulfill everything that is being promised.

MORE: 5 Things That Hurt The Xbox One (And 5 That Saved It)