Microsoft is gearing up for the Xbox Games Showcase on Sunday, June 11th. Fans can tune in live on YouTube, Twitch, or Facebook at 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern for a window into what Microsoft's studios are working on. The show is expected to run between 60 and 90 minutes, not including Bethesda’s Starfield Direct. The latter technically takes place after the showcase itself and seems to be the day’s main event, though Xbox likely has plenty more to show off in the time leading up to it.Microsoft has stayed relatively quiet about what it has planned for Sunday’s Xbox Games Showcase. However, the company promised there will be some big surprises and first looks coming this weekend. Information is limited due to Microsoft’s decision to keep its cards close to the chest, though Xbox may have offered one big hint, and there is still plenty to talk about regarding Xbox Game Studio’s plans for this Sunday’s showcase.RELATED: RPG With 'Overwhelmingly Positive' Reviews is Coming to Consoles

No Full CG Trailers

Xbox Perfect Dark and Forza Motorsport

One of Microsoft’s more interesting promises is that there will be no full CG trailers at the Xbox Games Showcase, at least not for first-party games. This means that all first-party games will feature either-in game or at least in-engine footage. That does not mean viewers are guaranteed a complete and uninterrupted look at the gameplay of whatever Microsoft decides to show off. However, it’s a sign that fans will likely see something more substantial than pre-rendered trailers.

This focus on game footage may be a response to Sony’s PlayStation showcase from last month. While the event featured big announcements like Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater and Bungie’s Marathon, it was criticized for a lack of gameplay and an overabundance of CG trailers. Then again, it’s not like Xbox showcases are always better, and fans are still waiting for Xbox to reveal gameplay from major titles like Avowed and the Perfect Dark and Fable reboots.

Xbox is also backing away from the “12-month strategy” approach it took last year. 2022’s Xbox showcase came with the promise that all the games would release within one year. This seemed like exciting news at the time and could have done a lot to strengthen The Xbox Series S and Series X’s first-party lineup. However, Xbox Game Studios couldn’t meet that commitment, and games like Stalker 2, Ark 2, and Forza Motorsport are still no-shows. Microsoft’s not eager to repeat that mistake, which may be part of why the console manufacturer is so reluctant to talk about games other than Starfield.

The last things on the list of what won’t be at the event are any TV or movie trailers. That is probably good news for anyone who was annoyed with the Halo TV show occupying some of the airtime during Xbox’s 2021 showcase. This confirmation from Xbox VP Aaron Greenberg may also be another cheeky dig at Sony’s recent PlayStation showcase, which features a trailer for the upcoming live-action Gran Turismo movie.

Starfield Direct

Starfield Temple

Xbox has made it clear that Sunday’s showcase is about the games but is being very secretive about which ones. The sole exception is Starfield, with Starfield Direct beginning immediately after the main Xbox Showcase. Bethesda has drip-fed details about the game over the last few years. This includes Starfield’s 2022 gameplay reveal, which offered a decent look at the game’s first person-combat and teased its main storyline. Bethesda also previously showed off Starfield’s base and shipbuilding, character creation, and RPG mechanics. The latter of which will reportedly offer a more hardcore RPG experience, according to director Todd Howard.

However, Bethesda still hasn’t shown that much actual gameplay footage and fans still have many unanswered questions about Starfield. Fortunately, Bethesda’s Starfield Direct will offer a chance to get many of these questions answered, with Microsoft promising “much, much more” info. This includes showing more gameplay as well as developer interviews and a look behind the scenes at Starfield’s development. Greenburg even joked that viewers might want to bring some spare underpants to the Xbox Showcase. If nothing else, Microsoft seems to be very confident about Bethesda’s new game, which could be a good sign for Starfield.

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Other Games at the Xbox Showcase

Xbox_Games Fable, Stalker 2, and Avowed

Microsoft hasn’t confirmed any of the other games featured at the Xbox Games Showcase. Some fans believe that Playground Game’s Fable reboot is a likely contender, thanks to a short teaser uploaded to Xbox’s official Twitter account. The video from May 30th shows an Xbox user discovering a mysterious trail of glitter and following it to the Xbox Games Showcase playing on his computer. The music in the background wouldn’t feel out of place in a Fable game, and the trail of sparkling dust might make one think of the unfortunate pixie from Fable’s 2020 reveal trailer.

However, Greenberg recently tweeted that he hadn’t teased any specific games in the upcoming Xbox Games Showcase. Granted, he was talking about an Instagram selfie rather than last week’s tweet, so it’s possible that Playground Game’s Fable might make an appearance at the showcase. Still, it’s in the “maybe” column rather than “confirmed,” and the same goes for a lot of other games.

Many fans are expecting The Outer Worlds 2, Hellblade 2, Stalker 2, Forza Motorsport, and Avowed to make appearances at the Xbox Games Showcase. Several of these were at Xbox’s 2022 showcase, but none of them have release dates or gameplay reveals yet. Unfortunately, there’s no confirmation that any of them will be at Sunday’s showcase.

Xbox Games Showcase Extended

Xbox Games Showcase logo

As with last year, Microsoft will follow its 2023 showcase with Xbox Games Showcase Extended on June 13th at 10 am Pacific/1 pm Eastern. The live stream will contain in-depth interviews about the games revealed at the Xbox Showcase and offer further updates from Microsoft’s partner studios. While the most important news is probably going to be part of the main event on Sunday, some fans may want to consider tuning in when Xbox Games Showcase Extended airs a few days later.

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