First Person Shooters have been one of the most popular genres of games for years. From arcades to consoles new and old, the different concepts behind FPS have gotten more creative as time goes by. The Xbox is one such console that provides a vast collection of FPS games for players, including some of their own console exclusives.

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Xbox fans can find just about any kind of gameplay or story to get invested in, including those that are intense and those that encourage co-op play. Here is a list of FPS games that don't get the attention they deserve, and ones that might get a bit more hype than they need.

10 Underrated: Titanfall 2

While Titanfall was popular when it first released, Titanfall 2 was somewhat overlooked by other games that were released around the same time. This is a shame, because Titanfall 2 actually was a well-developed game that even added features that fans wanted.

One major addition was the creation of a single-player campaign. While the campaign might feel short to some players, the game can still be enjoyed for hours with its exciting multiplayer gameplay. Jump in a mech, race around detailed maps, and see what Titanfall 2 is all about.

9 Overrated: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty games always seem to do well, no matter what fans might have problems with after they've bought the games. In the case of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, the hype didn't seem justified, even when more features came out.

Yes, the campaign looked great and played well for the most part, but one of the most popular aspects of Call of Duty is usually the multiplayer. Modern Warfare had Warzone along with other features, but when they added crossplay along with already existing problems like camping and spawn issues, console players stood no chance against PC players.

8 Underrated: Screencheat

Screencheat took an age-old problem for gamers, catching friends looking at their screen while playing split-screen, and made an entire game out of it. It's a brilliant idea, especially since they made it a necessity because everyone in the game is invisible on the screens of other players.

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It's a great game to play with friends and family, and there are even different modes to keep things interesting. Even if fans of this game don't have anyone to play Screencheat with at home, this game allows for online play. Just make sure to leave the screen cheating to this game alone.

7 Overrated: Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege has always had an interesting concept and exciting gameplay, but that's not to say that everything about the game is great. For instance, the game doesn't always seem to register when players make critical hits that should do more damage.

The game can also seem like it's too easy for a team to rely on frequently used abilities to win the game. That combined with the ability for players to kill their own teammates can made for a frustrating game with overpowered and toxic opponents and team members.

6 Underrated: Apex Legends

When fans think of Battle Royale games, they might think of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, Blackout mode in Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, or the one that gets the most attention, Fortnite. Apex Legends tends to be overshadowed in this genre among some fans, but that doesn't mean that it's a lesser game. In fact, some might argue that it's one of the more dynamic and exciting Battle Royale games out there.

Apex Legends offers players an experience that adds a lot of new features to the genre, like its large cast of characters that each have their own abilities for players to learn. This calls for players to think about team dynamics, but also gives people a chance to find characters that work well for them rather than deciding whether or not they like one certain play style.

5 Overrated: Overwatch

Overwatch Tracer cover

Overwatch has been giving characters the same old routine of added content for years. Add some skins for events, add a new character every so often who has similar moves to existing characters, and sometimes add new maps or game modes that fans might have problems with. While there is so much new content that has come out since the release of Overwatch, the game somehow has the ability to not feel new at all.

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The game is also known for having a toxic fan base, which the developers have tried to combat with different matchmaking features to try and get people to "play nice" with each other. Still, there will almost always be someone who complains that their main hero is taken, someone doesn't want to be a healer, or a game's loss is everyone else's fault but their own.

4 Underrated: Halo 5: Guardians

Halo 5 cover art

The games that came before Halo 5: Guardians in the Halo series left much to be desired after Halo 4 and The Master Chief Collection for some fans. This left Halo 5: Guardians with some big shoes to fill if it wanted to get the series back in fan's good graces. Some fans had already lost hope on the series, and others also thought that this new game wasn't enough to fix the series.

The criticism might've been a bit harsh in some regards, and Halo 5: Guardians deserves a second chance from fans. Its campaign encourages fans to play co-op, especially so more ground can be covered to discover features on vast maps. Plus, its multiplayer games have done away with many features that didn't work for fans in previous games, and brought back the fun of matchmaking.

3 Overrated: Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 had a lot of hype surrounding it, and many fans took what they could get from a new Borderlands game. After all, much of the game did appeal to fans through nostalgia by bringing back old characters from other entries in the series while adding new characters with interesting abilities.

One of the main appeals of Borderlands though has been the story, and Borderlands 3 didn't live up to this reputation for some fans. The story felt predictable and underdeveloped, which hurt some events, like character deaths, that felt emotionless or unfair. Some of the DLC for Borderlands 3 have provided unique stories for fans to enjoy, but ultimately, that's more money to spend on something that players wanted in the base game.

2 Underrated: Destiny 2

Some fans were disappointed with the original Destiny, but Destiny 2 did a great job of improving what fans didn't like about the first game while adding new features that could make the game feel unique. The story is more interesting and compelling than the first game, and the multiplayer mode leaves players coming back from more once the campaign is over.

The somewhat boring gameplay of the first Destiny might've steered some fans away from the second, but those fans should definitely turn back to this newer title. Bungie has committed itself to improving this game and giving it new features, so players can enjoy Destiny 2 for a long time instead of sitting and waiting for a third installment to come along.

1 Overrated: Far Cry 5

Even with controversy surrounding its release, Far Cry 5 received many good reviews from fans. For some though, it was a big disappointment, especially since it was so different from other games in the Far Cry series. The majority of Far Cry games don't even take place in America, but this one does and that could've been exciting to see.

Far Cry 5 doesn't leave much of a choice for certain things that players have to go through. Players have to watch cutscenes, whether they want to or not, they get forced into certain missions but fail others in the process, and it makes the game seem a bit too controlling. There isn't much weight on character choices in this game either, except for the ending that left many players very unhappy.

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