While expectations are high for Marvel’s Wolverine, players have already experienced a solid game based on the hero through the interesting X-Men Origins: Wolverine. One of these features was a regeneration system, and with how crucial the ability is to the character, fans are hoping Marvel’s Wolverine will include the power in some way.

While Wolverine’s claws and berserker rage are both iconic, his regeneration power is right there with them. On par with Deadpool’s own healing factor, fans have gotten a chance to see Logan heal from devastating injuries over the years, with some hits even showing off his adamantium skeleton. Seeing him take hits and shrug them off is a big appeal of the character, and his over-the-top healing factor is a key reason why he is so powerful. As such, players will surely want to see the ability showcased in the game, feeling just as unstoppable as they would expect to when controlling Wolverine.

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Why X-Men Origins’ Wolverine’s Regeneration Should Be An Inspiration

Recently, a Marvel fan named doncan94 shared a clip of X-Men Origins: Wolverine on the PlayStation subreddit, publicly requesting that something like the 2009 game’s regeneration mechanic appears in the Insomniac Games title. While the cult classic game was repetitive and short, its brutal combat captured what fans love about the character, and one part of that combat was the noticeable impact that taking damage had on Logan’s appearance.

As shown in the footage, Wolverine has taken so much damage that his bones can be seen. However, he quickly heals himself, with gamers getting to see his flesh reform around him before his skin comes back on top of that. The animation is brief, but it could look incredible with modern graphics and character models. While it remains to be seen how Insomniac will add any sense of difficulty to a game with an immortal character, it should take advantage of that immortality to show him recovering from damage.

While the mechanic is essentially a more grotesque version of battle damage for Spider-Man’s suits, it works well. That said, it is not without its flaws. As pointed out in the comments of this post by a user named LoganN64, a strange aspect of the X-Men Origins mechanic is that it would regenerate full-on costumes on top of Logan’s body. This is something Insomniac could refine, with suits taking damage and staying gone once they have been fully destroyed by enemies.

While it is unclear what features Marvel’s Wolverine will have to help it stand out, the 1,200 upvotes on the Reddit post show that gamers have interest in this particular mechanic being updated and used by Insomniac. Assuming that the game leans into the mature tone that was teased for it, a feature like this is a genuine possibility, as Insomniac’s faithful adaptation of Spider-Man implies that the developer will show the same level of love and care when crafting its Wolverine game.

Marvel’s Wolverine is in development for PS5.

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