Eight years before Iron Man birthed the Marvel Cinematic Universe, The X-Men movies launched the first superhero franchise of the 21st century. From 2000’s X-Men to 2019’s Dark Phoenix, Fox Studios launched 12 X-Men films in a 19-year span. The X-Men films are famous for being a continuity nightmare. If one were to watch them in exact order, these stories would not make sense.

It's not exactly easy figuring out how to view the X-Men movies in an order that is mostly chronological, but more importantly, an order that makes sense. This is because some films feature an older, seasoned X-Men team, and others feature their younger selves. Additionally, Deadpool breaks the fourth wall, telling the audience about events that have yet to pass. One film event time jumps, utilizing both older and younger cast members. This is the best approximation of how to put the films in their proper timeline order.

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1. X-Men: First Class (2011)

First Class Cropped

A year before The Avengers came out in theaters, X-Men: First Class debuted. It drew critical acclaim as the origin story for the X-Men superteam. The movie is a period piece that takes place in the 1960s. It introduces viewers to young Charles Xavier, Magneto, Mystique, and more. Without a doubt, this is the movie to watch when beginning one’s journey into the cinematic X-Men movie-verse.

2. X-Men (2000)

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X-Men is the movie that started the entire franchise. Although it came over a decade before X-Men: First Class, this is the film to watch next. It takes place at the dawn of the 21st century, but viewers will be familiar with the characters, even if they are played by older actors.

The reason for jumping back-and-forth between X-Men: First Class and X-Men is that the next movie on the list time jumps, and uses both casts in its story.

3. X-Men: Days of Future Past (2014)

Magneto Days of Future Past Cropped (1)

If one were to use strictly chronological order and watch X-Men: Days of Future Past immediately after watching X-Men: First Class, there would be an overwhelming sense of confusion. This is because the film takes place in the near future, using the original cast from 2000’s X-Men before jumping back in time with a different cast.

The film jumps back and forth multiple times between the near future and the 1970s. Without being familiarized with both casts, the film would bring more frustration than anything else. Also, Wolverine’s claws are made of bone in the past, and whereas in X-Men they are clearly made of metal. This quandary will be clarified in the next film on this list.

4. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

Hugh Jackman in X-Men Origins Wolverine

This film explains Wolverine’s backstory, which was a mystery in the original X-Men trilogy from the early and mid-2000’s. It establishes that the mutant ages much slower than his peers, and is practically immortal. It also shows the Adamantium transformation whereby every bone in Wolverine’s body, including his claws, become coated in a nearly-indestructible metal.

5. X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)

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Nearly half-way through the X-Men movies, anyone following this list would finally meet the X-Men’s archenemy, the ageless mutant Apocalypse. X-Men: Apocalypse takes place in the 1980s, and is the third film to feature the younger cast of X-Men.

In a slight redundancy from the previous film on this list, X-Men: Apocalypse shows Wolverine immediately after he has escaped from being experimented on. However, the scene is somewhat retconned, or altered, from what audiences saw in X-Men Origins: Wolverine

6. Dark Phoenix (2019)

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Dark Phoenix is the final movie Fox Studios produced for the X-Men franchise. The ink was already dry on the deal Disney made to purchase Fox Studios when this movie hit theaters. It was the fourth X-Men film to utilize the younger cast of actors. The film critically bombed, and the Fox Studios’ X-Men franchise died with a whimper.

7. X-Men 2 (2003)

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After several movies that lingered on the past, audiences finally reach the 21st century with X-Men 2. Though readership will recognize Hugh Jackman in his iconic Wolverine role, this is just the second film on third film on this list to use the original cast, and the second film that focuses solely on them.

8. X-Men: The Last Stand (2006)

Phoenix in X-Men Last Stand

One will recognize some redundancy between this film and Dark Phoenix, as both of them borrow heavily from the Marvel comics event The Phoenix Saga. X-Men: The Last Stand marks the end of the original X-Men trilogy, and the last film to feature the entire ensemble of the original cast.

9. The Wolverine (2013)

The Wolverine

Tired of Wolverine yet? Hopefully not, for The Wolverine is the second movie on this list to focus on the hairy, clawed mutant. The film takes Wolverine’s exploits to Japan where he faces some classic villains.

10. Deadpool (2016)

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While Deadpool is a mutant and the film does take place in the X-Men universe, the only character here that viewers might recognize is Colossus. Fox Studios famously spent very little on this movie, and made an absurd return on its investment.

Deadpool famously breaks the fourth wall, showing confusion when at the X-Men’s famous mansion. He states that the movie studio must be strapped to only have two mutants show up at the door, and asks if the current timeline is with an older or younger Charles Xavier. “These timelines are so confusing” The Merc with a Mouth exclaims. The audience can only shrug in agreement with Deadpool.

11. Logan (2017)


This is the final movie to feature Wolverine. It is loosely based on the graphic novel Old Man Logan, showcasing an older, grittier Wolverine in an R-rated film (following in Deadpool’s footsteps).

Logan takes place in the near future, with Wolverine gradually losing his ability to heal. It also introduces a fresh crop of mutants, showing promise (at the time) for new X-Men films to take form.

12. Deadpool 2 (2018)

Deadpool 2 Cropped

Though Deadpool 2 takes place decidedly before the events of Logan, the movie opens with Deadpool attempting to take his own life. His voiceover states that if Wolverine can get a great send-off, he deserves one too. That is why it makes more sense to view this film after watching Logan.

As this list demonstrates, watching the X-Men films in a way that makes chronological sense is a tall task. Hopefully, this list helped to clear things up for a movie franchise that did not make it easy.

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