Wolverine is one of the most instantly recognizable Marvel characters to ever come out of the comics. As such, it makes sense that he would get his own solo game from Insomniac. Wolverine is a near-immortal brawler, so there is a lot the developers could explore in a game based on this character. However, some of Wolverine's teammates are just as popular with fans.

Marvel: Wolverine’s Best Costumes, Ranked

Marvel's favorite Canadian has had some costumes sharper than his Adamantium claws, and here's some of Wolverine's best.

The X-Men have been around since the 1960s, with hundreds of mutants entering the ranks over the years. As such, there are many other X-Men characters who are just as interesting as Wolverine who could do with a solo spotlight game of their own.

7 Magneto

Magneto charging up an attack
  • Created by Stan Lee
  • Debuted in X-Men #1 1963

Magneto has long been the nemesis of Charles Xavier's X-Men. However, he is always on the side of mutant kind which leads him to act as a hero to many from time to time. That steadfast resolve could prove critical in a solo video game series, and his tragic past can also help players sympathize with Magneto as he seeks to fight for mutant justice.

One of the other great things about Magneto is that he is an older character. This means a video game could take place anywhere over the last sixty years, during a significant period in history or not,

6 Nightcrawler

  • Created by Len Wein and David Cockrum
  • Debuted in Giant Size X-Men #1 1975

Fans who only know Nightcrawler from the movies or animated series are probably unaware of his swashbuckling roots. Nightcrawler has had many stints in the comics where he spends time at sea, which is a great location for a superhero game. Imagine boarding enemy ships at a moment's notice.

6 Weakest X-Men In The Movies, Ranked

These X-Men are pretty powerful in the comics, but their movie adaptations either don't give them a chance to show off, or nerf them into oblivion.

Plus, Nightcrawler's teleportation abilities can make combat really fun. Armed with a sword, the character could bounce around multiple fights at once. Like Assassin's Creed, only much more dynamic.

5 Dazzler

  • Created by Tom Defalco and John Romita Jnr
  • Debuted in Uncanny X-Men #130 1980

No one ever said that every superhero game had to fit the action/ adventure genre. In fact, a character like Dazzler would lend herself nicely to the forefront of a rhythm-based music game or something similar.

8 Forgotten 90s Marvel Games

There were plenty of Marvel games available for gamers to enjoy during the 90s, but not all of them were particularly memorable.

As the X-Men's resident pop star, Dazzler has the ability to create a light show with her bare hands and sing. This is the dream of any young teen, and this idea was capitalized on in the 2000s with dance mats and Singstar games. Now that superheroes are huge once again, perhaps merging the two ideas could work for an imaginative game developer.

4 Bishop

  • Created by Whilce Portacio and John Byrne
  • Debuted in Uncanny X-Men # 282 1991

Bishop is a time-traveling renegade with a bleak story. Sent back in time during the days of the future past storyline, Bishop warned the X-Men of the Sentinels coming rise to power and subsequent mutant apocalypse.

After the disastrous future was averted, Bishop was then left among the present-day X-Men. As a result, that leaves two intriguing stories for a Bishop game to explore. Either the character is left to deal with the consequences of leaving the old future behind and continuing to fight the prejudices of the modern day, or he could be used as a robot-slaying sci-fi hero in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. Both are great.

3 Storm

marvel's midnight suns storm mutant x-men dlc season pass
  • Created by Len Wein and David Cockrum
  • Debuted in Giant Size X-Men #1 1975

There are some video games that give the player little to work with except their wits to get around certain challenges. There are also those that let players control an absolute powerhouse and destroy all in their path. A Storm solo game would fit nicely into the latter category.

Once a homeless child in Africa, Storm was able to rise to the position of a god among her people when she ended a drought with her power. It was only until she was discovered by Professor X that she decided to use her weather-manipulating power for more than personal gain. As such, a game could explore her rise to power or early exploits in the USA.

2 Mystique

Mystique in X-Men Days of Future Past
  • Created by David Cockrum and Chris Clairemont
  • Debuted in Ms Marvel #16 1978

Mystique is an X-Men character who has mainly been used in the movies, She was a huge part of the original trilogy, so subsequently made her way into the prequel series, Also, the fact that she was played by Jennifer Lawrence massively helped her exposure.

Mystique is very different from the comics to the movies. She is still a shapeshifter, but there is no inner moral conflict. She is crony of Magneto and that is it. That still doesn't mean that playing as Mystique in a stealth game wouldn't be fun. Hitman is a great series, but Mystique wouldn't need to go through the trouble of constantly changing outfits.

1 Rogue

  • Created by Chris Clairemont and Michael Golden
  • Debuted in Avengers Annual #10 1981

Deciding what superpower or hero to use in a video game that lets players do so can be frustrating. So wouldn't it be nice if a game let players use all the powers they wanted? A Rogue game could provide just that.

Rogue initially started her comics career as a villain, so a game where players are tasked with stealing other heroes' powers could prove fun. However, the good side of Rogue could feature in a team-based game, where players have to rotate their powers depending on the situation. Rogue is one of the most powerful characters in all of Marvel Comics, so it is time she got that kind of spotlight.

MORE: Marvel: Best Wolverine Costumes, Ranked